Discuss the degree to which you believe your diagram reflect

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131697572

This assignment contains two (2) Sections: Modified Diagram and Design Summary. You must submit both sections as separate files in order to complete this assignment.

If you're using Visio, see "Appendix A: Designing Databases with Visio Professional 2010: A Tutorial" to help you complete Section 1: Modified Visio Database Design.

(Note: This tutorial focuses on the use of Microsoft Visio. Open source applications are not covered in Appendix A. However, using open source applications or even pen and paper within labs is permitted.)

After reviewing your database design from Lab 1: Creating a Database Design, the college has provided more information for the database that they want developed:

For each student, the college needs to track the student ID, student names, addresses, start date, phone numbers and types (such as mobile, home, work), email addresses and types (such as personal, school, work), gender, and birth date.

For each course, the college needs to track the course ID, course name, department, quarters offered, sections, and instructor teaching each course.

For each instructor, the college needs to track the instructor ID, name, address, phone numbers and types (such as mobile, home, work), email addresses and types (such as personal, school, work), gender, birth date, and the courses that each instructor is qualified to teach.
Additionally, the college needs to track the final grades for each student after each course has completed.

Section 1: Modified Diagram (Using Microsoft Visio is optional; you may also use any other application you know or even modify the diagram with pen and paper and take a picture of it for submission.)

Use the application or pen and paper to:

Modify the database diagram from Lab 1 with the entities and attributes that the scenario identified (i.e., a college tracking students, courses, and instructors).

Create the appropriate relationships between each entity within the diagram.

2. Submit your modified diagram.

Section 2: Design Summary (Microsoft Word or equivalent)

3. Write a one to two (1-2) page paper in which you:

Discuss the degree to which you believe your diagram reflects the database design.

Describe any assumptions that you had to make about the business rules to in order to create the diagram and the associated relationships.

Section 2 of your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Submit the design summary as a Microsoft Word file.Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length.

Verified Expert

This was about creating a Vision database design with the required database a revised one of the previously made designed.I write about the database management system and its key terms.Challenges can come while creating a database design after some modifications to keep more related data. Brief explanation about - Business Rules changes reflection on Data Models.Wrote about RDBMS, table, attributes and other RDMS keys.Explained about the history of the Database management system and it's changing time to time.

Reference no: EM131697572

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