Discuss the database design

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13949925

Scenario - Discuss database design:

1. Colors for models:

a. Classic red, blue, green

b. Competition: silver, black

c. RoboZid: baby blue, pink, yellow.

2. Personalizaton limits:

a. Classic: 1 line, 12 letters

b. Competition 2 lines, 8 letters

c. RoboZid: 2 lines, 5 letters

3. Cannot ship to P.O. Box

4. Manufacturing Process:

a. Order, build, paint/ personalize, mail

b. Each step takes 7 days except mail, which is the next day after personalize.

5. They want ot add calculation of shipping and tax.

6. Model numbers will always be four digits.

Reference no: EM13949925

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