Discuss the cyber intelligence sharing

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM133337339


Using ether the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act; the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016; IOT Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2017,

1. In your research, review existing (within past 6 years) and proposed U.S. or individual state (that might be a good model for federal legislation) cybersecurity laws and then identify one such law that you think is important.

2. Then write a memo. In doing so:

a. Cite it (preferably link it for me) and be clear about the law itself -- is it under consideration or has it been enacted into law?

b. Summarize the law as clearly as possible.

c. Describe the problem the law is trying to fix. Give some background, context and/or history. Perhaps you can wrap in current events.

d. Does the law fix the problem? Can the law be improved, and if so, how?

e. Any other observations? Remember, Rep. Canduit is your boss, he needs your help, and he's not a cybersecurity expert. Use your imagination. For example, is there any provision(s) in the law that voters will relate to and might be emphasized in Rep. Canduit's letter?

3. Cite sources.

Reference no: EM133337339

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