Discuss the current state of federal democracy in canada

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Reference no: EM133626231 , Length: Words Count:300


Using the knowledge gained from the Position Paper assignment, students will articulate their stance on political issues of relevance.


Completing this assessment supports meeting the following course learning outcomes:

CLO 2: Discuss the current state of federal democracy in Canada.

CLO 4: Analyze the competing interests of power in Canadian politics.

CLO 9: Express their own reasoned and consistent positions on a range of contemporary political issues affecting Canadians.


1. Opening Statement (post 1): Write an opening statement ) which expresses your stance on the issue you chose in Assignment 2: Position Paper. The opening statement lays out your argument for or against a particular issue and includes a short summary of the topic and why you hold the position you do. Post your statement, with an appropriate title, to the Assignment 3: Online Debate discussion forum.

2. Rebuttal (post 2): Select one opening statement written by another student to argue against, also known as a rebuttal, and post (200 - 300 words) on the Assignment 3: Online Debate discussion forum as a reply to the student's initial post.

Reference no: EM133626231

Questions Cloud

Identify potential vulnerabilities : What are the vulnerability assessment methods used to mitigate risk by FEMA? What 3 from the asset list could be to discuss?
How does it differ from bureaucracies in other countries : What are the strengths, and weaknesses, of the federal bureaucracy? How does it differ from bureaucracies in other countries?
Why nevada was once called the mississippi of the west : List and describe 3 main types of direct democracy tools available to voters in Nevada. Briefly describe why Nevada was once called the Mississippi of the west.
Describe the structures and organizations of polish system : Describe the structures and organizations of the Polish system?
Discuss the current state of federal democracy in canada : Discuss the current state of federal democracy in Canada. Analyze the competing interests of power in Canadian politics.
Do you feel has been most detrimental to black interests : On the other hand, which branch do you feel has been most detrimental to Black interests? Provide examples.
Explain the diversity of human geographies : One of the objectives for this course is to explain the diversity of human geographies and interactions between world realms.
Why can populism harm democracy : What evidence does Berman offer in support of her argument? According to Berman, can populism harm democracy? Why or why not?
Explain the role of neo liberal ideology : Provide six examples of how this impacted Canadians. Describe in detail neo liberal ideology on the collapse of Canada.


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