Discuss the costs involved in implementing the database

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13312330


You have been asked to explore three database alternatives for a merchant who provides shoes to retail stores. The merchant needs the database to keep the financial records, employee records, inventory records and general use records for the business. Answer the questions below in your report.

1. Identify three database systems and discuss the purpose for choosing these three options

2. Pick only ONE of the above database systems and discuss the Hardware and software components required to run it

3. Discuss the costs involved in implementing the database

4. Discuss other factors which the business should consider before implementing the database

5. Provide sufficient citations throughout and matching

Individual Assignment
Create a report. 1500 words. Look at Week 08 lecture on organising data for more assistance. Justify all assumptions.

Using the SafeAssign link in Blackboard to submit your report. Download and print out the FULL report and attach to the appendix at the back of your report. Assignments without the full SafeAssign report will NOT be marked.

Hard Copy
To be placed into assignment drop area on campus, including SafeAssign report, by 5pm Friday of week 10.

You are expected to provide citations for every piece of information you include in your report. Any pictures used, other than ones you created, should be cited. Any information on computer systems, hardware etc, should be cited. You will lose marks for not providing citations. 

Attachment:- ASSIGNMENT.rar

Reference no: EM13312330

Questions Cloud

How google considered to be one of worlds best companies : Google is a company that has created a road map for what IT companies should be like; explain how Google can be considered to be one of the world's best companies and at the same time one of the world's most secretive organisations.
Find the coulomb force between the electron and the proton : The radius of the hydrogen atom is 0.053 nm. find the Coulomb force between the electron and the proton in the atom
Explain if a portion of a tablet weighing : If a portion of a tablet weighing 0.365g neutralizes 2.30 x 10 -4 moles of hydrochloric acid, how much acid would the whole tablet neutralize if it weighs 1.84g
Changing the customer service and service offerings : Write a 500-750-word paper that identifies the major characteristics of services compared with goods, and describe how technology is changing the customer service and service offerings.
Discuss the costs involved in implementing the database : Using the SafeAssign link in Blackboard to submit your report. Download and print out the FULL report and attach to the appendix at the back of your report. Assignments without the full SafeAssign report will NOT be marked.
Explain what is the velocity of an electron : What is the velocity of an electron having a de Broglie wavelength that is approximately the length of a chemical bond? Assume this length to be 1.2 X 10 ^ -10 m.
What is the speed of the galaxy relative to earth : Wavelengths of light from a remote galaxy are found to be 1.5 % longer than the corresponding wavelengths measured here on earth. What is the speed of the galaxy relative to earth
What is the direction of his total displacement vector : An escaped convict runs 1.70 km due east of the prison. He then runs due north to a friend's house. what is the direction of his total displacement vector with respect to due east
Explain the excess hydrochloric acid : 25mL of 0.1545M hydrochloric acid is added to a tablet portion. If it takes 6.38 mL of 0.1567 M sodium hydroxide to titrate the excess hydrochloric acid, how many moles of acid were neutralized by the tablet portion


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