Discuss the contrasting meanings of play-leisure-recreation

Assignment Help Physics
Reference no: EM133557150


In Kraus Recreation and leisure in Modern Society 12th edition.

1. What parts of this chapter most resonated with you as you develop your personal "why" for wanting to pursue a career in the field of leisure services?

2. Read one of the stories of Play, Recreation, and leisure in the chapter. an analysis of the story answering the following questions:(1)Does the experience the author describe in the story sound most like play, recreation, or leisure to you?Why?(2)Identify who you believe to be play, recreation, and leisure components of the activity, explaining each of the components.

3. If the motivation is important in the study of play, recreation, and leisure, explore some of the motivations you identify in leisure participation. How does knowing your motivations for participation in play, recreation, and leisure influence your desire to study the field of leisure services?

4. Compare and contrast the early theories and contemporary theories of play. First, identify the commonalities in the theoretical development of play, and second, the differences.

5. Discuss the contrasting meanings of play, leisure, and recreation, and show how indivdually and collectively they overlap and differ from each other in their meanings. Which of the three do you feel is the more useful term as far as public understanding of leisure services is concerned?

6. Play is considered by man to be domain of youth, and yet we see the creation of senior playgrounds, adult sport activities, and participation by adults in more and more recreation activities that could be called "play". Explain Why play is defined as a youth activity and adults use the term recreation. Are they really that different? Are the motivations similar?Expand on this discussion.

7. Examine your free time as a student. Do you have more or less free time than you did before college? Explain how your free time has changed. Compare it with your parents or older siblings free time and explain the difference. What causes those differences?

Reference no: EM133557150

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