Discuss the contingency planning approach

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131722273


Write a six to eight page paper in which you:

1. Summarize the selected project and describe the primary failures of traditional project risk management.
2. Describe the levels of uncertainty and complexity for the project.
3. Determine what the project manager should communicate to the customers about the project unknowns.
4. Relating to the selected project, identify and discuss the risk identification for selectionism and learning.
5. Discuss the contingency planning approach and the management challenges of informing stakeholders.
6. Use at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Reference no: EM131722273

Questions Cloud

Name any fallacies that are committed for given argument : Some tax cheats are not honest citizens. Therefore, no tax cheats are honest citizens.
Why is resistance an important issue in disease prevention : What are we talking about when we discuss resistant microorganisms? Why is resistance an important issue in disease prevention?
Define immediate inferences are sound or unsound : All truthful lies are curious assertions. Therefore, some truthful lies are curious assertions.
Write down the balanced half reactions : The other electrode is a lead grid filled with spongy lead oxide PbO2(s). The net reaction that occurs is:
Discuss the contingency planning approach : Discuss the contingency planning approach. Determine what the project manager should communicate to the customers about the project u
Discuss problems or limitations related to the functionality : Identify at least two problems or limitations related to the functionality. The limitations could be new functions that could be useful to a potential customer
Should human capital be recognised as an asset : "Should Human Capital be Recognized as an Asset?" We often hear managers refer to employees as their company's greatest "asset".
How can a company increase its customer equity : What is customer equity? How can a company increase its customer equity? Illustrate your answer using a theme park as an example.
What was the biggest influence on what you ate : What was the biggest influence on what you ate? Which, if any, of your food choices were influenced by marketing strategies or food advertisements?


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