Discuss the consumer decision making process

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Reference no: EM131524145 , Length: word count:1000

TASK: Individual Assignment

Topic - Google glasses.

Using the product that you investigated in the group assessment (task 1), answer individually the following.

Critically discuss the consumer decision making process. Provide a chart or diagram to support your discussion. Analyse how your consumers go through the process of decision making in purchasing your product.

- This assignment must be your own work, not a group answer.

- You may draw upon the comments and analysis provided in the group presentation to underpin some aspects of your answer. However, please note that you must supplement this material (and lecture material) with your own independent research and readings around the subject.

- Your analysis will be presented in the form of a fully referenced academic essay, using Harvard referencing.

- You will need a minimum of 5 references, and each one should be from a different source/author. Your source information could include a mixture of books, academic journals, databases, market reports and other credible academic sources. Quality newspapers may also be used, but please note that an essay comprising mainly of newspaper sources (i.e. popular journalism) will not be acceptable as an academic essay in the context of this assignment.


General discussion of consumer behaviour

Overview of the company and its products

Discussion of consumer decision making process

Analysis of how your consumers go through the process of decision making in purchasing your product

Conclusion and recommendation

5 Presentation, organization, structure, and language proficiency

Proper Harvard referencing and citation (minimum of 5 references)

- Format: Arial, font 12, and 1.5 space.

Word Limit: 1000 words

Reference no: EM131524145

Questions Cloud

What is journalisms ethical responsibility to society : What is journalisms ethical responsibility to society? When is deception permissible in journalism? What ethical obligations do reporters have to their sources?
Hybrid car which proved to be capable competitor to prius : Tess is the product manager for the Toyota Prius. Honda has recently launched its own hybrid car which has proved to be a capable competitor to the Prius.
Which probability assessment heuristic is work in gf : After observing a long run of red on a roulette wheel, many gamblers believe that black is bound to occur. Such a belief often is called the gambler's fallacy.
Assuming the price of a product is rising : Describe equivalent variation in words assuming the price of a product is rising. Provide a supporting diagram and ensure diagrams are labeled.
Discuss the consumer decision making process : Discuss the consumer decision making process. Provide a chart or diagram to support your discussion. Analyse how your consumers go through the process.
Compare your estimated stock prices with actual stock prices : Compare your estimated stock prices with actual stock prices as of January 3, 2017. What's your decision if you hold these stocks?
Selling an old machine or keeping it with a major overhaul : Suppose you have to decide whether selling an old machine or keeping it with a major overhaul:
Explain why statement h must be less probable than f : Look again at Problems II and I. These problems involve assessments of the relative likelihood of different statements.
Trends in the labor force participation : Write about the trends in the labor force participation after world war 2. What has caused the trends? Explain the rise in women's labor force participation.



6/9/2017 5:24:46 AM

Introduction: General discussion of consumer behaviour (10 marks) Overview of the company and its products (5 marks) Discussion of consumer decision making process Analysis of how your consumers go through the process of decision making in purchasing your product Conclusion and recommendation 5 Presentation, organization, structure, and language proficiency Proper Harvard referencing and citation (minimum of 5 references)


6/9/2017 5:19:55 AM

I want this assignment by tomorrow afternoon. Words 1000. Topic Google glasses. In the second attachment don't do question number. 5 the presentation part coz it's already done.

Write a Review

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