Discuss the consumer behavior concept

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133237324



a. Assume that you recently attended an event for a particular organization on campus and are considering whether to join the organization. Discuss the perceptual process and how it plays an important role in influencing your decision.

b. Consumer packaged goods manufacturers have been known to slightly modify features, quality and/or price which often are not detected by consumers. Discuss the consumer behavior concept that explains this and what marketers should consider in making a positive change versus a negative change.

Reference no: EM133237324

Questions Cloud

Discuss the transportation management systems : From your research, please discuss the transportation management systems (Software) the company in questions uses to manage their day to day business.
Explain the global value chain in the manufacturing industry : Explain the factors that affect the global value chain in the manufacturing industry? the expected answer is comprehensive.
Do you think this will be a trigger for deglobalization : Do you think this will be a trigger for deglobalization? Should countries maintain a national industry capable of producing for local demand?
Role of aviation in singapores development : Demonstrate the role of aviation in Singapore's development. You need to relate to various economic, social, or operational factors in your answer.
Discuss the consumer behavior concept : Discuss the consumer behavior concept that explains this and what marketers should consider in making a positive change versus a negative change.
Discuss individual contributions a cross-functional team : Discuss the individual contributions that could be made by a cross-functional team to the following list of activities.
Case myth behind chinas outward foreign direct investment : Relative to other countries whose multinationals undertake FDI in your country, what is China's ranking-in both flow and stock-relative to other countries?
Difference between containerization and intermodalism : What is the difference between containerization and intermodalism? Explain in detail and provide sources to support your discussion.
Explain electronic procurement and just-in-time purchasing : Explain electronic procurement and just-in-time purchasing. Also, briefly explain how electronic procurement tools can benefit just-in-time purchasing.


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