Discuss the connection between recruitment and retention

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM13872003

Assignment Overview

The two primary outcomes of HR management are recruitment and retention. Through HR planning, managers anticipate the future supply of and demand for employees and the nature of workforce issues, including the retention of employees. These factors are used when recruiting applicants for job openings. Being able to recruit and retain the "best" employees have been difficult tasks for HR managers. The "best" employees are not necessarily the most qualified individuals (e.g., the most educated or with the most work experience), rather it is the individuals who provide value to an organization, who complement the organization, who understand and embrace the organization's mission, and who fit the culture of the organization. This quandary is a result of a number of different variables such as: job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job performance, and motivation. The following figure illustrates the two outcomes of HR management.

Two Main Outcomes of HR


Human Resource Management

Furthermore, contemporary HR managers also are tasked with assisting with peak performance initiatives because of escalated global demands and competition.

Case Assignment

Drawing on the material in the background readings and doing additional research, please prepare a 3-5 page paper (not including the cover and reference pages) in which you:

• Discuss the connection between recruitment and retention.

• You will discuss whether you believe it is better to (1) hire hard and manage easy or (2) make up for bad selection with good training.

• Discuss strategies for retaining employees.

Your name is Chris and you have been in the HR management field for 20 years, but have just started with a new employer; you are the HR Manager for a chicken processing plant of 1,000 employees. You report to the vice president of finance. In your discussions with your new boss you asked about the company's ethics policies and procedures. He sarcastically laughed at you and said some negative statements regarding your race and your age. You were appalled but need this job. You want to dig in and make this a better place for you and the rest of the employees. The more that you see what is happening around you the more you learn that you now work for an ethically challenged organization. Think about some unethical (yet realistic) activities that might be going on in this organization. Also, considering your previous places of employment, what were other challenges you faced besides ethical issues?

Quitting is not an option. As an HR professional in this organization, what steps would you take to change this situation? Why? Draw in your background readings and/or library research. Bring in a real-life employer example. Are you in a position to bring about change? Is that part of your job description or responsibility? If so, how would you go about effecting change?

This discussion board is designed for you to respond to the above question/topic by Thursday of the 1st week of the module. To receive a passing grade each post should be a minimum of 200 words in length, demonstrating thought and integration of key concepts. Your response should be supported with relevant background sources, which must be properly cited & referenced. During the second week you should respond to at least one other student with a post of similar length and quality as your initial post.

Reference no: EM13872003

Questions Cloud

Describe several types of country risk : In what ways do cultural differences affect the conduct of international business? What is country risk? Describe several types of country risk one might face when conducting business in another country.
The us and globalization influence : In what ways did al-Qaida's 11 September attacks on both the US and globalization influence either the US government or the American people in the following decade? Select two ways and analyze with clear examples.
Which countries have struggled since the crisis : What currency or market crises have hit since the 2008 crisis? Which countries have struggled since the crisis, and which have rebounded?
What were causes and consequences of global financial crisis : What is moral hazard, and how does it relate to IMF rescue packages? What were the causes and consequences of the global financial crisis of 2008?
Discuss the connection between recruitment and retention : Discuss the connection between recruitment and retention. You will discuss whether you believe it is better to (1) hire hard and manage easy or (2) make up for bad selection with good training. Discuss strategies for retaining employees
How would an economist categorize exchange rate systems : How would an economist categorize exchange rate systems? How would the IMF make this classification? In what ways are these the same? How are they different?
Smith company includes sales tax in its sales amount. : Smith Company is required to charge customers an 8% sales tax on all goods it sells.
What minimum volume must the slab : A slab of ice floats on a freshwater lake. What minimum volume must the slab have for a 45.0-kg woman to be able to stand on it without getting her feet wet?
How globalization in worlds good market affected world trade : How has globalization in the world's goods markets affected world trade? How has globalization in the world's financial markets affected world trade?


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