Discuss the concept of biotic

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133478412


1. Discuss the concept of biotic and abiotic factors in an ecosystem and provide examples of each.

2. What are the major causes and impacts of deforestation on global climate change?

3. Explain the concept of population dynamics and the factors that influence population growth and decline.

4. Discuss the importance of biodiversity hotspots and their role in conservation efforts.

5. What are the main drivers of habitat loss and fragmentation, and how do they impact wildlife populations?

6. Explain the concept of ecological footprint and discuss its usefulness in measuring human impacts on the environment.

7. Discuss the relationship between climate change and coral reef bleaching, and its implications for marine ecosystems.

8. Explain the concept of keystone species and provide examples of their ecological importance in different ecosystems.

9. Discuss the concept of ecosystem services and provide examples of the different types of services provided by ecosystems.


Reference no: EM133478412

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