Discuss the concept of authentication and authorization

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131731917


In this assignment you are asked to design and implement a database app for managing and analyzing University course experiences. Let's call it the Course Experience App (CEA). The CEA database stores information about courses offered by the University, some basic information about instructors and students, and student course experiences. Information about courses consists of the following facts: course number, the name and the code of the offering department, the general area of study (e.g. humanities, sciences, arts, business, engineering), a list of topics covered in the course, and a list of skills acquired upon successful completion of this course. We also store information about prerequisite and exclusion courses for any given course.

Note that a course number is unique only within a specific department. For each instructor, we store a name, gender, age, and areas of expertise (if applicable). An instructor can be permanent faculty or a freelancer. If an instructor is faculty, we store the year when they started their career as a faculty, and whether they are teaching or research faculty. If an instructor is research faculty, we record a list of their research interests. For each student - identified by a unique user name - we store basic demographic data such as year and month of birth, gender, and country of birth. In addition, we store the year and month when this student begun his study at university. Additional information about students include their professional history outside academia.

For each significant job that the student held in the past or is holding now, we record the job title, Company name (or self- employed), Company expertise (can be more than one), start and end date of the employment, and a list of skills used during or acquired on the job. For each skill, we record a level of expertise on a scale of beginner-intermediate-advanced-professional (2-5). Each time the course is offered we call it an ‘edition' of the course. For each edition we record the start and end date, the time of day the course was offered (morning, day, evening), an approximate overall number of students enrolled in this course, and the name of the course instructor. Each edition of a course can be co-taught by more than one instructor.

For the main part of this database app, we record all course editions taken by a particular student, together with the final grade (in numeric format - percentage). The student records their experiences after enrolling in an edition of the course. The experiences consist of the following facts:
- Overall satisfaction with the course on a scale from 1 to 5 (5 is the highest).
- An overall ranking of the course instructor(s) (5 is the highest).
- The list of skills that the student has acquired from this course. For each skill we record 2 self-assessment values: the rank of a skill before the course and the rank of the same skill upon the course completion - on a scale 1-zero knowledge, 2-beginner, 3- intermediate, 4-advanced, 5-professional.
- Overall interest in the course topics - also 2 values on a 5 point scale - one specifies the interest before taking the course, and the second - the interest after its completion.

Learning Outcomes

1. Create and maintain a database server
2. Design an enterprise data model that incorporates all of the data used by an organisation's business processes
3. Devise and implement database security policies

Analyze Scenario given below and answer the following questions:

Task 1:

Submit a work proposal for assignment

which must include:
- Understanding of deliverables - a detail description of deliverables
- General overview of task 2 and 3 - initial understanding of solution to tasks

The work proposal must be submitted in a word file through the link available in Moodle.

Task 2:

a. Assume that you are responsible for installing a new DBMS product for the scenario given below. To undertake this exercise, you must have clear understanding of instance. Discuss the various modes to shut down and startup the database server.

b. As a database administrator perform the following tasks: [Lab demo is required. There will be no marks without a lab demo. The lab demo schedule will be announce in week #9 ]

i. Create separate physical structures for the new schema as per OFA guidelines
ii. Create a Schema with appropriate privileges
iii. Analyse the following scenario and create database tables with correct relationships
iv. Create at least two complex Views for the scenario give below.

c. Discuss cloud database management system.

Task 3:

Select any oraganisation where the data is sensitive. Discuss the concept of authentication and authorization in the database. You are required to provide the examples with the appropriate justification.

Reference no: EM131731917

Questions Cloud

What were the physiological processes involved : Visual and Quantitative Analysis Draw three conclusions that can be deduced from the infographs, bar graphs or pie charts presented in this article.
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Discuss the concept of authentication and authorization : COMP 1011 - Discuss the concept of authentication and authorization in the database. You are required to provide examples with the appropriate justification
Create a hypothesis for the data : Creating these hypotheses affords you the opportunity to think like a researcher to better understand and critique research articles you read.
What conditions are these drugs commonly used to treat : what conditions are these drugs commonly used to treat. describe the similaries and differences among the various adrenergic blocking agents
Define teaching points that must be stressed to the patient : Develop a teaching plan for your patient including important teaching points that must be stressed to the patient
Define an age limit for those who do use medical marijuana : vomiting for patients with chronic disorders? Do you believe there should be an age limit for those who do use medical marijuana



11/21/2017 6:01:16 AM

Guidelines a. Type 1: In case plagiarism is detected in any component or part submission (submitted at different times) of one assessment (assignment), the deduction in marks will be applicable for the whole assessment (assignment), even if only the component or part submission alone needs to be resubmitted. b. Type 2: In case plagiarism is detected in a group assessment, all students of the group will be considered as having committed an act of plagiarism irrespective of whether plagiarism is on account of the act of all or a few or only one member. The policy will then be applied to all students. c. Type 3: Combination of Type 1 and Type 2: In case plagiarism is detected in any component or part submission (submitted at different times) of a group assessment (assignment), the deduction in marks will be applicable for the whole assessment (assignment), even if only the component or part submission alone needs to be resubmitted.


11/21/2017 6:00:55 AM

c. Period of resubmission: The student will have to resubmit the work one week from the date he or she is advised to resubmit. For example, if the formal advice to resubmit was communicated to the student on a Sunday (latest by 5 pm), the student will have to resubmit the work latest by next Sunday 5 pm. d. If the re-submitted work is also detected to be plagiarized, then the work will be awarded a zero. e. Resubmission of the work beyond the maximum period of one week will not be accepted and the work will be awarded a zero.


11/21/2017 6:00:46 AM

a. A student will be allowed to re-submit the assignment once, within a maximum period of one week. However, a penalty of deduction of 25% of the marks obtained for the resubmitted work will be imposed. b. Mark deduction: When the work is resubmitted, the marking will be undertaken according to the marking criteria. In compliance with this policy, the 25% deduction is then made on the marks obtained. For example, in an assessment that carries a maximum of 50 marks, suppose a student were to obtain 30 marks for the resubmitted work, the final marks for that assessment will be


11/21/2017 6:00:36 AM

Follow the guidelines mentioned below for your assignment: ? Assignment documents must be submitted through Moodle and it will undergo plagiarism detection test through turnitin ( a plagiarism detection tool). ? Handwritten assignments / hard copy will not be accepted. ? Use Page Number & proper References. ? Assignment should have a Title Page. Title Page should contain the following information. ? Assignment Name ? Section Name ? Student name ? Student ID Number ? Faculty Name ? The Table of Contents Should have, each deliverable task number, content, page number ? Assignment should be typed in your own words using Times New Roman font size 12. ? Heading should be with Font Size 14, Bold, Underline


11/21/2017 6:00:28 AM

Weak, major, Adequate Excellent Omission, knowledge of knowledge and little key principles understanding of understanding and concepts principles and of given tasks, and/or concepts and /or Not able adequate excellent to prove evidence of the knowledge and knowledge in application of understanding of this tasks. theory in the application of Most of the practice theory in practice details are not relevant.


11/21/2017 6:00:20 AM

Task #2.c 0-5 6-13 14-20 Weak, major, Adequate knowledge of key principles and concepts and/or adequate evidence of the application of theory in practice Excellent knowledge and understanding of principles and concepts and /or excellent knowledge and understanding of the application of theory in practice Omission, little understanding of given tasks, Not able to prove knowledge in this tasks. Most of the details are not relevant. No practical example


11/21/2017 6:00:04 AM

Tasks #2.b bi (0-2-4) bii (0-2-4) biii (0-2-4) biv (0-2-4) NO marks No answer No Separate 4 marks for each 2 marks for without lab Or Schema table. 20 marks if each demo Physical Or 5 tables created complex Structure Only A schema as per the view. 2 without OFA created scenario and with marks will be guidelines Or appropriate deducted if Or Physical Schema created with appropriate tables, data types and constraints. view is simple. Structure with storage OFA guidelines specification and Grant command is used.


11/21/2017 5:59:57 AM

Tasks #2.a 0 1-7 8-14 15-20 Answer is too Few points are Adequate Information provided based on study and literature review. Good set of requirements established. The process for evaluating a DBA is Adequate or of good level Excellent work. vague, relevant. Good no reading or Set of Support of literature requirements literature in the support just established are answer. All assumptions not from case requirements which are study. The described in well irrelevant or process for structure manner illogical evaluating a as mentioned in or DBMS product is the case study. student has not appropriate failed to understand the requirements of the case study


11/21/2017 5:59:49 AM

Assessment Analysis Sheet Tasks #1 0 1-5 6-10 Mark No Submission or student has failed to understand the requirements of the case study Little understanding of deliverables – a detail description of deliverables General overview of task 2 Understanding of deliverables – a detail description of deliverables General overview of task 2

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