Discuss the concept of a leader

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131957396 , Length: word count:2000

An ever going struggle has been present about the concept of leadership: are we born; made or become leaders? With reference to B628 attached article, and course material, you are requested to answer the following TMA questions in 2000 words

Question 1

Discuss the concept of a leader. Is a leader born or made? Reflect in your discussion not only on B628 course material particularly chapter 7 but also on the article in hand. Reflect in your discussion on how the author sees the leader from both theoretical and personal experience (word limit: 1000 words).

Question 2

Being a leader is an on-going struggle and debate. Discuss, based on your course material, how leadership skills can be developed. Reflect on the article in this regard. Support your answer with evidence from external reference (1000 words).

Reference no: EM131957396

Questions Cloud

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Discuss the concept of a leader : B628 TMA - Discuss the concept of a leader. Is a leader born or made? Reflect in your discussion not only on B628 course material particularly chapter
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What is change in price bond will experience in dollars : You believe that in one year, the yield to maturity will be 7.0 percent. What is the change in price the bond will experience in dollars?



4/25/2018 5:58:48 AM

Satisfactory • A competent answer demonstrating only basic understanding • Material mostly relevant but with errors and inaccuracies • Some interpretation/analysis/evaluation but shallow and poorly substantiated • Limited use of relevant examples • Significant reliance on lecture notes • Only basic texts consulted • Structure/grammar/referencing of moderate to week standard Unsatisfactory • Answer largely irrelevant. • Only partial understanding of the question • Very weak interpretative/analytical/evaluative skills • Lacking material to answer the question • Considerable errors and inaccuracies • Structure/grammar/referencing very poor • Very poor or nonexistent use of examples


4/25/2018 5:58:43 AM

Good • A competent answer but with no evidence of insight and originality • Answer demonstrates satisfactory understanding of the material but with minor errors or inaccuracies • Interpretation/analysis/evaluation present but not highly developed • Some use of appropriate examples • Reliance on lecture notes is evident • Only basic texts consulted • Structure/grammar/referencing of moderate standard


4/25/2018 5:58:37 AM

Outstanding • Answer demonstrates a high degree of perception and originality. • Comprehensive in coverage of salient points • Shows complete comprehension of material and exceptional insight in interpretation/analysis/evaluation. • Evidence of extensive appropriate reading and independent research • Arguments supported by appropriate examples/evidence/case studies • Structure/grammar/referencing is outstanding Very good • Answer demonstrates some perception and originality. • Is factually sound and covers most salient points. • Shows high level of understanding of relevant material • Interpretation/analysis/evaluation is very good. • Evidence of considerable wider reading • Use of examples reasonable • Structure/grammar/referencing is high standard.


4/25/2018 5:58:32 AM

Written expression: Grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Documentation: what references have been used to support ideas? Are they correctly listed at the end and correctly cited in the text of the assignment? Word limits: Did the student keep to the word limit set for the question? Presentation: Is the question or assignment clearly presented, well organized and readable?


4/25/2018 5:58:26 AM

Clarity of explanation: explanations are clear, logical, and understandable • Extensive Reading: Discussion shows evidence of having read widely in the relevant area. • Critical viewpoint: answer shows well developed critical evaluation of theories and concepts, can identify flaws in the theories/frameworks used in the topic being discussed.


4/25/2018 5:58:20 AM

Content Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Very good Out-standing Coverage: all the requirements of the assignment are followed thoroughly. • Relevance:answer is relevant to the requirements of the assignment. • Overall structure: the overall structure of the assignment is clear and following guidelines set for that specific question, report or essay. Understanding: the answer and discussion show understanding of the content of the topic in question and all relevant concepts Use of terms: technical terms are used accurately and appropriately


4/25/2018 5:58:11 AM

5. Word count:Answers must be within +/-10% of the word count. Answer that fall below or above this range can be deducted up to 5 marks. 6. Referencing:Use the Harvard referencing style for in-text referencing and make a Table of References at the end. Failing to do so could result grade deduction of up to 5 marks. 7. Research: In addition, although text books assigned in the course may be used freely as references,you are required to use a minimum of 2 external sources. It is recommended that you use scholarly studies found in the E-library link at the LMS. Failing to do so could result in grade deduction of referencing marks up to 5 marks.


4/25/2018 5:58:05 AM

1. Cut-off date:Week 11. If you feel that you are unable to meet the cut-off date of the TMA because of unusual circumstances, please contact your tutor as soon as possible to discuss a possible extension to the cut-off date. The exact cut-off date will be assigned in due date. TMA weight: 20% of total course grade. 2. Course material: - Chapter 7. Students can refer to other course material if needed. 3. Format: Write your answers in essay format. Failing to do so could result in grade deduction from presentation marks up to 5 marks. You may, however, use bullet points, diagrams, tables, or any graphs to support your arguments.

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