Discuss the complaints handling procedure making

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133037977

Assessment Task 1: Project

For this task you are required to complete a template to demonstrate the knowledge required for this topic in relation to the hospitality industry and your workplace.


This task requires you to answer questions related to where you work, have worked or have a work placement in a hospitality service environment, by filling in the template provided. Some questions are general industry related questions, and some will be specific to your workplace. Copy this template into another Microsoft Word (or similar) document and adjust the rows as necessary. Ensure you complete all parts of the template.

You may need to find out additional information from your supervisor, colleagues or from the staff intranet. Ensure you have access to customer service policies and procedures and codes of practice that are industry relevant from your workplace to answer specific questions. You will not be asked to include copies of these policies and procedures; however you will need to reference them in your answers.

Policies, procedures, and codes of practice need to include:
• Customer service standards
• Designated response times
• Presentation standards
• Customer surveys and feedback collection
• Recording and reporting customer feedback.

Question 1. What main products and/or services does the industry in which this business operates provide?

Question 2. What are some of the professional service standards and protocols that are followed by the personnel in this industry? Print a copy of the service standards of your particular business and attach with this assessment task. Discuss how service standards are generally made available to customers in this industry.

Question 3. Discuss the attitudes and attributes that are expected of employees in this industry.

Question 4. Discuss some of the different customer service needs and expectations you have come across.

Question 5. What customer loyalty programs are used in this industry? Describe how these loyalty programs work.

Question 6. Discuss how customer databases are used in this industry and some of their essential features.

Question 7. Discuss the designated response times for providing service and resolving complaints at your workplace.

Question 8. Discuss the complaints handling procedure making reference to the customer complaints policy.

Question 9. Where are the customer service policies and procedures kept; and how does management ensure that staff are up-to-date in their knowledge of the policies and procedures?
1. Company handbook
2. Company portal

Question 10. What promotional services are offered at your workplace?

Question 11. Discuss the procedures for dealing with the following:
a) Incorrect pricing or quotes
Update the price on system
b) Delays or errors in providing products or services
Talk to the customer and ask for complementary so they can their time while waiting.
c) Misunderstanding of customer requests
Apologize the customer and offer something so they can wait till the correction
d) Escalated complaints or disputes
Call the supervisor or manager who can handle it.
e) Other team members or suppliers not providing special requests

f) Misunderstandings or communication barriers
g) Unmet expectations of, or problems or faults with a service or product.

Question 12. Discuss the methods of performing the following and provide an example for each.
a) Negotiating with suppliers on behalf of customers to get reduced rates or extra services for them.
b) Providing a service free of charge.
c) Providing a service at a reduced rate.
d) Providing discount vouchers to attend at a future time.
e) Providing an inexpensive add-on product.
f) Providing a small gift to a customer.
g) Providing special attention during the service period.
h) Providing special customer service delivery on next attendance.

Question 13. How are financial constraints of the organisation and the profitability of the sale taken into consideration when making the decision to provide customers with free or discounted services? Provide an example of making a decision about the profitability of providing a service free of charge or at a reduced rate and include calculations in your answers.

Question 14. Choose a cultural group you have had dealings with before and answer the following questions.
a) What is the cultural group you have chosen and why?
b) Discuss the customary greetings, farewells, and conversation of this cultural group.
c) Discuss the body language and body gestures associated with this cultural group.
d) Discuss the formality (or informality) of language associated with this cultural group.
e) Discuss the clothing sometimes worn by this cultural group.
f) What may be some special or additional requests this cultural group may have?

Question 15. What are the roles and responsibilities of the following positions in providing quality customer service?
a) Management
b) Supervisors
c) Operational personnel

Question 16. List three sources where you can find information on current service trends and changes that affect the service industry.

Question 17. Discuss how following internal and external environmental changes may affect quality customer service planning:
a) Changes in the competitive environment
b) Economic climate
c) Introduction of new technologies or equipment
d) Management changes and organisational restructures
e) Recruitment practices
f) Trends in customer service preferences

Question 18. What are three reasons a business may choose to join industry schemes and/or align with industry codes of conduct?

Question 19. Discuss the following methods of formal and informal customer research and feedback:
a) Analysis of the competitive environment and industry trends in customer service
b) Customer service surveys with structured questions
c) Customer focus groups
d) Feedback from service delivery colleagues over the course of each business day
e) Questioning customers informally
f) Observing customers
g) Regular staff meetings that involve service discussions
h) Staff surveys
i) Internal customer surveys (colleagues/other departments etc)
j) Improvements suggested by customers involved in complaints or disputes
k) Improvements suggested by suppliers
l) Improvements suggested by staff, supervisors and managers

Question 20. A business needs to constantly assess its effectiveness in customer service practices. Explain how the following can be done:
a) Examine the overall business performance
b) Monitoring the effectiveness of staff in meeting customer service standards
c) Monitoring the effectiveness of policies and procedures in explaining practices

Question 21. How does your workplace review the numbers and natures of?
a) Complaints
b) Disputes
c) Customer responses

Question 22. Referring to your workplace's policies and procedures, briefly discuss the following:
a) Presentation standards for the customer environment and for the customer service personnel
b) Pricing and service guarantees
c) Product quality
d) Refunds and cancellations
e) Customer service training
f) Technical training (systems and technology)

Assessment Task 2: Case study


This project has two parts.
• Part A requires you to do some research and develop customer service policies and procedures for three different areas of business that meets industry standards.
• Part B requires you to monitor and adjust policies and procedures to ensure quality customer service delivery.

You are working as the Manager of Champion's Sports Bar which forms part of the Marino Complex and you have noticed that customer service standards have been slipping lately in a number of different areas. After reviewing the current policies and procedures on customer service, you have decided that some additional policies and associated procedures need to be developed. But first, you are going to conduct some research and obtain some information from customers and staff about the levels of service being provided.

Question 1. Develop a customer satisfaction survey for the following areas of customer service at Champion's Sports Bar with at least five questions in total using a four point rating scale of very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied and very dissatisfied:
• How staff answer the telephone and provide information to customers.
• How quickly patrons of the bar are served and how long it takes for them to receive their food and drinks.
• The friendliness of the staff and how warmly they are welcomed.
• The variety of food and drinks on offer.
Print a copy of this survey and submit it to your assessor. Submit additional information to your assessor about how you will distribute this survey, to whom, by when and how many you are going to distribute. Think about how you will encourage the customers to fill out the survey.

Question 2. You now need to discuss with your second in charge how they feel the standards of customer service are being met. Your assessor will play the role of your second in charge and provide you with some information. Conduct a brief informal meeting to gather some information.

The customer satisfaction surveys have come back with the following results:
• Overall, customers are all very satisfied with the variety of food and drinks being offered at the bar.
• 70% of customers rated the way the staff answer the telephone only as satisfied and 30% as dissatisfied. Comments revealed from the customers who said they were dissatisfied that staff often seemed in a rush and tried to end the conversation as quickly as possible.
• 65% of customers rated the friendliness and the welcome of the staff as very satisfied, 25% rated it as satisfied and 10% rated it as very dissatisfied. The comments from the customer who was very dissatisfied revealed that some staff provided their customers with a bowl of complimentary nuts when they arrived and the staff member serving them did not.
• Overall, customers were very satisfied with the length of time it took to serve them and the wait time on their food orders.
• Business results indicate that overall the business is performing well but slightly below targets for the last quarter.
Although the bar does not have its own website as it is included on the main one for Marino Enterprises, you have just set up a social media page so you can begin advertising all of the special offers, promotions and trivia nights the bar holds.
The policies and procedures that you and senior management have decided to update/develop are as follows:
• Customer service: Communication policy
• Customer service: Social media policy
• Customer service: Welcome procedure
• Customer service: Telephone procedure
• Customer service: Responding to negative social media comments procedure.

Question 3. Conduct some research into policy development and into current industry trends in customer service and changes that may or has affected service delivery. Focus some of your research on how social media is at the forefront of keeping customers informed about new products and services, and how customers use social media to either provide a positive or negative review of businesses and how this can affect a business's reputation. You will use this research in the following two points.

Question 4. Have a meeting with your team (this will be three of your classmates with your assessor observing) and inform them of the new policies and procedures that you will be developing. Briefly discuss the information you have researched, an analysis of the results of the customer satisfaction surveys, as well as the need for new policies and procedures. Allow opportunity for your team to provide input about customer service practices and ask questions. Take notes to assist you in the development of your policies and procedures.
Your assessor will be looking to see that you:
• Demonstrate open communication
• Use active listening skills
• Serve as a positive role model for your team.

Question 5. Develop the following two policies and three procedures:
• Customer service: Communication policy
• Customer service: Social media policy
• Customer service: Welcome procedure
• Customer service: Telephone procedure
• Customer service: Responding to social media comments procedure.

You may use a suitable template of your choice to develop them but they must be in line with the Marino Style Guide. Policy review should be set at 12 months and procedures set at 6 months.
Each policy must include:
• Purpose
• Scope
• Objectives
• Responsibilities (of Champion's Sports Bar as an employer; and employees)
• Consultation and communication of the policy
• Effective date
• Review date
Each procedure must include:
• Purpose
• Scope
• Activities/responsibilities
• Effective date
• Review date.

Question 6. Communicate the new policies and procedures to all staff by sending a group staff email advising them of the new policies and procedures, the expectations of staff regarding them, and where they will be located. Alert staff that these need to be made available to customers on request. Attach them to the email and send this to your assessor.

Assessment Task 3:Project

For this task, you are required to use rostering software to produce and cost rosters that meet operational requirements for three different roster periods.

For this task, you are required to review the information provided, use rostering software to produce and cost rosters that meet operational requirements for three different roster periods and communicate a roster to one employee.
This task must be completed in class. Your assessor will advise you of the timeframe for completion of all parts of this task.


You are required to prepare costed rosters for Marino Bottle-O, a standalone liquor store with a drive through facility for a one-week period:
• Wage costs must represent 20% or below of projected revenue for the period.
• Projected revenue for the period is $10,500.
• The bottle shop is open from 12pm - 8pm Mondays to Saturday and 12pm - 6pm on Sundays.
• It is a small, two-lane drive-through.
• Thursdays tend to be the bottle shops busiest day as that is when orders are delivered and shelves need to be re stocked. Weekends are also busy.
• There are two full time staff, David and Terry. David is Catholic and attends Church every Sunday morning.
• Amelia is employed part-time to cover breaks and busy times in the bottle shop.
• Cassie is employed on a casual basis and works approximately 8 hours per week on the bottle shops busiest days, Thursdays and Saturdays.
• Marino Bottle-O has a strict Anti-discrimination policy stating that ‘All employees will have the right to flexible working arrangements to allow them to fulfil their religious obligations'.

1. Review the background information.

2. Develop a one week roster for Marino Bottle-O.
• You must use a blend of full- time and part time employees.
• Your roster must include dates, times and staff ratios.
• Your assessor will advise you of the software program to use for this task.
• You must develop your roster in line with the Marino Bottle-O Anti-Discrimination Policy.

3. Show your costings/calculations for the following:
• Wage rates taken from the Hospitality Industry (General) Award) 2010.
• Hours worked.
• Penalties and holiday rates.
• Total wage costs.

4. Save and submit your roster and costings/calculations as per training organisation's procedures.


Background information
You are required to prepare costed rosters for Champions Sports Bar for liquor sales and service and gaming room provision for a one-week period:
• Wage costs must represent 18% or below of projected revenue for the period.
• Projected revenue for the period is $49,000.
• Rosters to be prepared for:
• Public bar:
- Hours = 10am - 10pm Monday to Friday; 10am Saturday - 2am Sunday; Noon - 7pm Sundays
- Capacity 200
• Lounge bar:
- Hours = Noon - midnight Monday to Friday; 10am Saturday - 2am Sunday; closed Sundays
- capacity 100
• Gaming room
- Hours= 8am - midnight Monday to Friday; 8am Saturday - 2am Sunday; Noon - 6.30pm Sundays
- 20 electronic gaming machines.
• Management will help as required but is not to be rostered to work in any area.
• Management salary is not included in labour calculations.
• There is a common service area for the public bar and, the lounge bar and the bar into the gaming room meaning all bars can be served by the one person during quiet times - they are not separate/stand-alone rooms.
• There are a variety of staff including Level 2, 3 and 4 Food and Beverage attendants and five Security Officers, Grade 1. All staff members are available 7 days a week.
• Champions Sports Bar's Responsible Gaming Policy states that all staff working in the gaming area must hold a gaming certification. Level 3 and 4 F&B attendants hold a gaming certification so they can work behind the bars and with gaming machines.
• There are no juniors, trainees or apprentices.
• Main delivery for liquor into the venue is Thursday.
• Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the busiest days with weekends being busiest.
• Traditional busy times are noon - 2pm and 5pm - close.
• Two security staff are required from 9pm to 30 minutes after close Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. There are no public holidays in the week.

1. Review the background information.

2. Develop a one week roster for Champions Sport Bar's public bar, lounge bar and gaming room.
• You must use a blend of full-time, part-time and casual employees.
• Your assessor will advise you of the software program to use for this task.
• You must develop your roster according to Champions Sports Bar's responsible gaming policy by ensuring that staff working in the gaming area have relevant qualifications to do so.

3. Show your costings/calculations for the following:
• Wage rates taken from the Hospitality Industry (General) Award) 2010.
• Hours worked.
• Penalties and holiday rates.
• Total wage costs.

4. Save and submit your roster and costings/calculations as per training organisation's procedures.


Background information
You are required to prepare a 7-day roster for a small bar with gaming machines on the ground floor of the Ellia hotel, a hotel located within the Marino Enterprises Complex.
• Average weekly beverage revenue of the bar sits around the $28,000 per week mark and labour costs usually run at around 20% of that figure.
• The Bar operates 7 days a week 9am - 2am.
• Busiest times are noon - 2pm every day, 4.30 - 7pm every day, 11am - 2 am Saturdays
• John is responsible for cellar work, tapping up the kegs and making sure the gas is right and the bar doesn't run out of beer. He holds an RSA certification and also works as a bar attendant and does some tasks associated with gaming machines. He plans to get his gaming licence shortly but is finding it hard to find the time. John is employed full time and works 9-5 Monday-Friday.
• Jane and Sara are employed as casual level 2 food and beverage attendants, holding a current RSA.
• Will, Crystal, Tom, Holly and Bob are level 3 food and beverage attendants, holding a current RSA and gaming certification and are employed as casuals.
• All casual staff are available seven days a week.
• Ellia Hotel's Responsible Gaming Policy states that ‘one staff member is to be on duty at all times who has a state-approved gaming licence'.
• Ellia Hotel's Responsible Service of Alcohol policy states that ‘all staff working within the bar must hold a current RSA certification'.

1. Review the background information.

2. Develop a one week roster for the Ellia Hotel bar.
• Your assessor will advise you of the software program to use for this task.
• Ensure that your roster is developed as per organisational policies.
• Your roster must include dates, times and staff ratios.

3. Show your costings/calculations for the following:
• Wage rates taken from the Hospitality Industry (General) Award) 2010.
• Hours worked.
• Penalties and holiday rates.

4. Total wage costs.

5. Communicate the roster with colleagues.
• Electronically notify one of the employees of their work roster for the week (email this to your assessor).
• Use the email function on the software program or attach a copy of the roster to an email addressed to the employee.

6. Save and submit the 7-day roster and the individual roster as per training organisation's procedures.

Attachment:- Project Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM133037977

Questions Cloud

Currently limits the effectiveness of leadership : Describe how it currently limits the effectiveness of your leadership. Set a goal for improvement with specific actions items to change your behavior
Different customer service needs and expectations : What are three reasons a business may choose to join industry schemes and/or align with industry codes of conduct - current service trends and changes
Discussion and analysis on hbo and netflix : Provide an IN-DEPTH DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS on HBO and Netflix and how they are similar and different.
What is the ending balance in finished goods inventory : Fixed selling and administrative costs $18,400 per year. What is the ending balance in Finished Goods Inventory using absorption costing if 500 units are sold
Discuss the complaints handling procedure making : Demonstrate the knowledge required for this topic in relation to the hospitality industry and your workplace - Discuss the attitudes and attributes
What is the direct labor rate variance : If 3,100 units required 6,300 hours at an hourly rate of $18.43 per hour, what is the direct labor (a) rate variance, (b) time variance
Prepare the investor journal entry to record the receipt : On October 31, Augustas Co. received cash dividends of $0.15 per share. Prepare the investor journal entry to record the receipt
Calculate the company break-even point in unit sales : Pierce Phones is considering the introduction of a new model of headphone whose selling price is $25 per unit. Calculate company break-even point in unit sales
What is important for the healthcare leader : What is important for the healthcare leader to understand about the roles of those who contribute towards reimbursement processes?


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