Discuss the complaints handling procedure

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Reference no: EM133025799

Assessment Task 1

a) List five principles of enhanced customer service experiences.
b) What are five principles of positive communication?
c) What are five benefits to a business of enhanced customer service experiences and positive communication?

What are three techniques that can be used throughout the service experience to anticipate and determine customer preferences, needs and expectations?

What are three ways customer feedback can enhance the service delivery provided by business?

Provide an example for each scenario of how the following extras and add-ons may be offered to customers:

Briefly describe the following conflict resolution techniques:
• Assertiveness
• Negotiation
• Using appropriate communication.

If a customer makes a cancellation, what are three requirements that will apply for a cancellation fee to be legally binding?

If a business provides information to a customer about an impending price rise in an attempt to induce them to buy a product or service, what criteria must this information comply with in order to be legal under the Australian Consumer Law?

Assessment Task 2 - Project

Question 1. What main products and/or services does the industry in which this business operates provide?

Question 2. What are some of the professional service standards and protocols that are followed by the personnel in this industry? Print a copy of the service standards of your particular business and attach with this assessment task. Discuss how service standards are generally made available to customers in this industry.

Question 3. Discuss the attitudes and attributes that are expected of employees in this industry.

Question 4. Discuss some of the different customer service needs and expectations you have come across.

Question 5. What customer loyalty programs are used in this industry? Describe how these loyalty programs work.

Question 6. Discuss how customer databases are used in this industry and some of their essential features.

Question 7. Discuss the designated response times for providing service and resolving complaints at your workplace.

Question 8. Discuss the complaints handling procedure making reference to the customer complaints policy.

Question 9. Where are the customer service policies and procedures kept; and how does management ensure that staff are up-to-date in their knowledge of the policies and procedures?

Question 10. What promotional services are offered at your workplace?

Question 11. Discuss the procedures for dealing with the following:
Incorrect pricing or quotes
Delays or errors in providing products or services
Misunderstanding of customer requests
Escalated complaints or disputes
Other team members or suppliers not providing special requests
Misunderstandings or communication barriers
Unmet expectations of, or problems or faults with a service or product.

Question 12. Discuss the methods of performing the following and provide an example for each.
Providing a service free of charge.
Providing a service at a reduced rate.
Providing discount vouchers to attend at a future time.
Providing an inexpensive add-on product.
Providing a small gift to a customer.
Providing special attention during the service period.
Providing special customer service delivery on next attendance.

Question 13. How are financial constraints of the organisation and the profitability of the sale taken into consideration when making the decision to provide customers with free or discounted services? Provide an example of making a decision about the profitability of providing a service free of charge or at a reduced rate and include calculations in your answers.

Question 14. Choose a cultural group you have had dealings with before and answer the following questions.
a) What is the cultural group you have chosen and why?
Discuss the customary greetings, farewells and conversation of this cultural group.
Discuss the body language and body gestures associated with this cultural group.
Discuss the formality (or informality) of language associated with this cultural group.
Discuss the clothing sometimes worn by this cultural group.
What may be some special or additional requests this cultural group may have?

Question 15. What are the roles and responsibilities of the following positions in providing quality customer service?
a) Management
b) Supervisors
c) Operational personnel

Question 16. List three sources where you can find information on current service trends and changes that affect the service industry.

Question 17. Discuss how following internal and external environmental changes may effect quality customer service planning:
a) Changes in the competitive environment
b) Economic climate
c) Introduction of new technologies or equipment
d) Management changes and organisational restructures
e) Recruitment practices
f) Trends in customer service preferences

Question 18. What are three reasons a business may choose to join industry schemes and/or align with industry codes of conduct?

Question 19. Explain the following methods of formal and informal customer research and feedback:
Customer service surveys with structured questions
Customer focus groups
Feedback from service delivery colleagues over the course of each business day
Questioning customers informally
Observing customers
Regular staff meetings that involve service discussions
Staff surveys
Internal customer surveys (colleagues/other departments etc)
Improvements suggested by customers involved in complaints or disputes
Improvements suggested by staff, supervisors and managers

Question 20. A business needs to constantly assess its effectiveness in customer service practices. Explain how the following can be done:
a) Examine the overall business performance
b) Monitoring the effectiveness of staff in meeting customer service standards
c) Monitoring the effectiveness of policies and procedures in explaining practices

Question 21. How does your workplace review the numbers and natures of:
a) Complaints
Customer responses

Question 22. Making reference to your workplace's policies and procedures, briefly discuss the following:
Presentation standards for the customer environment and for the customer service personnel:

Pricing and service guarantees:

Product quality:

Refunds and cancellations:

Customer service training:

Assessment Task 4 - Case Study

This project has two parts.

• Part A requires you to do some research and develop customer service policies and procedures for three different areas of business that meets industry standards.

• Part B requires you to monitor and adjust policies and procedures to ensure quality customer service delivery.

QUESTION 1. Develop a customer satisfaction survey for the following areas of customer service at Champion's Sports Bar with at least five questions in total using a four point rating scale of very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied and very dissatisfied:
• How staff answer the telephone and provide information to customers.
• How quickly patrons of the bar are served and how long it takes for them to receive their food and drinks.
• The friendliness of the staff and how warmly they are welcomed.

The variety of food and drinks on offer.
Print a copy of this survey and submit it to your assessor. Submit additional information to your assessor about how you will distribute this survey, to whom, by when and how many you are going to distribute. Think about how you will encourage the customers to fill out the survey.

QUESTION 2. You now need to discuss with your second in charge how they feel the standards of customer service are being met. Your assessor will play the role of your second in charge and provide you with some information. Conduct a brief informal meeting to gather some information.

QUESTION 3. Conduct some research into policy development and into current industry trends in customer service and changes that may or has affected service delivery. Focus some of your research on how social media is at the forefront of keeping customers informed about new products and services, and how customers use social media to either provide a positive or negative review of businesses and how this can affect a business's reputation. You will use this research in the following two points.

QUESTION 4. Have a meeting with your team (this will be three of your classmates with your assessor observing) and inform them of the new policies and procedures that you will be developing. Briefly discuss the information you have researched, an analysis of the results of the customer satisfaction surveys, as well as the need for new policies and procedures. Allow opportunity for your team to provide input about customer service practices and ask questions. Take notes to assist you in the development of your policies and procedures.
Your assessor will be looking to see that you.
• Demonstrate open communication
• Use active listening skills
• Serve as a positive role model for your team

QUESTION 5. Develop the following two policies and three procedures:
• Customer service: Communication policy
• Customer service: Social media policy
• Customer service: Welcome procedure
• Customer service: Telephone procedure
• Customer service: Responding to social media comments procedure.

You may use a suitable template of your choice to develop IF tem
Style Guide. Policy review should be set at 12 months and procedures set at 6 months. Each policy must include:
• Purpose
• Scope
• Objectives
• Responsibilities (of Champion's Sports Bar as an employer; and employees)
• Consultation and communication of the policy
• Effective date
• Review date

Each procedure must include:
• Purpose
• Scope
• Activities/responsibilities
• Effective date
• Review date.

6. Communicate the new policies and procedures to all staff by sending a group staff email advising them of the new policies and procedures, the expectations of staff regarding them, and where they will be located. Alert staff that these need to be made available to customers on request. Attach them to the email and send this to your assessor.

What is the only condition under the Australian Consumer Law where a customer is entitled to ask for ;i replacement or refund for a product they have received?

Under the Australian Consumer Law what three things must the supplier of a service guarantee?

List five guarantees that a business gives when supplying goods or services according to Australian Consumer Law.

Assessment Task 5 - Role Plays

For this task you are required to complete seven role plays
• Implement and monitor quality customer service in line four service periods.
• Resolve escalated customer complaints and disputes.
• Resolve team member disputes.
Take appropriate action in response to threat and conflict situations. Use a range of conflict resolution techniques and communication skills.


This project requires you to work four simulated service periods and engage in seven role plays during which you will encounter a range of situations you will need to deal with. You will need to refer to the policies and procedures you developed in Assessment Task 4, as well as the additional policies and procedures mentioned above. Additional background information has been provided for you where necessary.

Your assessor will nominate class members to play the roles of the persons involved in the role plays, or may play some of the roles themselves; and will record their observations of you.

During the role plays, your assessor will be looking to see that you can:

Act professionally and take responsibility for resolving complaints and conflict.

• Assess the impact of complaints and act swiftly and tactfully so as to prevent further escalation.
. Proactively compensate for service difficulty in line with your level of responsibility set out in the Pot;tict, and procedures (situations which apply to external customers).
• Use effective communication to establish nature, cause and details of complaints/conflict.
• Determine options to resolve complaints and decide on appropriate action.
• Turn customer complaints into opportunities to demonstrate high quality customer service. Complete required reports and/or registers.
monitoring customer service practices during these shifts.

play the role of the Manager at Champion's Sports Bar who is respry onsible for

For this task you are to
Service period one:

Instructions play 1 - Wrong order
While managing the shift this service period you notice that one of your staff Susan, is looking very red faced and flustered at one of her tables and a man silting at the table does not look impressed. You discreetly motion for her with a hand signal to come over. Set up

• This role play requires someone to play the role of Susan, and someone to play the role of the upset customer. It is advised that you play the role of the upset customer if possible. The role play must begin with Susan approaching the student in the role of the manager using the script below.

Instructions for the person playing the role of Susan

You have taken the order at table 9 and you are very sure they ordered three steak and kidney pies and two chicken parmas with chips: but the customer has informed you when you brought the meals that he ordered two steak and kidney pies and three chicken parmas. You have apologised to the customer and told him that you will correct the order right away and went to remove the extra steak and kidney pie, but he told you that his group is in a hurry to get to a concert and he doesn't have time to wait another 20 minutes for the extra meal to arrive. You have offered that the customer the steak and kidney pie at no cost, and a beer or house wine at no extra cost to apologise for the inconvenience of the wrong meal being brought to the table; but he replied that he is offended that you would only offer the one meal and drink for free and he would like to speak with your manager immediately.

You are flustered as you are very sure that you heard the order correctly. Explain all of this to your manager and the fact that the man at the table has requested to speak to them directly.

Instructions for the person playing the role of the upset customer

You are upset as your waiter has gotten your order wrong and one of the meals is incorrect. You ordered two steak and kidney pies and three chicken parmas but received three steak and kidney pies and two chicken parmas. You are unhappy with your waiter's offer of a free meal and drink and have demanded to speak to the manager. You need to be rather pushy and demand your entire bill for free as you are in a rush for a concert and this is a big inconvenience to you. Take your lead from the student and decline their first offer but act annoyed for a while and calm down eventually as the student demonstrates their ability to handle the situation skilfully and calmly, Settle on what they offer you the second time and act as if you are satisfied with the outcome.

Begin the role play here.

Role play 2 - Negative post
You are working the same service period about an hour later and another employee. Bryan who is one of the supervisors, calls you over with an alarmed look on his face.

Instructions for the person playing the role of Bryan
Explain to your manager that you have just received a social media comment saying "FYI, give Champion's Sports Bar a miss -incompetent waiter brought the wrong meal tonight and my husband had to argue to even get a discount. My meal was also of sub-standard quality and wasn't hot. Won't be visiting your bar again, that's for sure. ' Tell your manager that the procedure says this needs to be reported to you immediately - which you have just done - and ask them what you should reply, or if they would like to handle it.

Begin the role play here by asking Bryan what the matter is. Service period two:

Role play 3 - Roster dispute
One of your employees named Chris tells you that he was rostered to work this Saturday night but he swapped with Melissa two weeks ago as he has an important family gathering to attend to. He has already filled in for Melissa's Friday night shift last week and the roster was updated when the request was made and approved. Chris however tells you that Melissa has told him this morning that she can no longer fill his shift for him and he is very upset. It is now Thursday evening.

This is an extract from the employee's handbook:
"All employees are required to give at least five days' notice of not being able to work their rostered shift so it can be assigned to another employee, unless the employee is affected by an emergency situation in which case the employee is required to notify their manager as soon as is reasonably possible. Failure to notify the manager within a reasonable timeframe without a valid reason or not turning up for a shift may result in disciplinary action."

Instructions for the person playing the role of Chris

You are extremely upset with Melissa as you had an arrangement. Express how upset you are with Melissa to your manager and say "It is irresponsible for her to do this - I worked her shift already on Friday - and the rosters have been updated - that means it is her shift and her responsibility! I am not missing my grandmother's 80'h birthday party because of her lack of organisation!"

When you find out that Melissa says she can't work because her boyfriend is going to be in town, start laughing and say "What! It's my grandmother's 80th birthday! Which is far more important than a concert!"

After acting upset and irritated for a while, take your lead from the student and calm down eventually. Do not back down however as you have done the correct thing by making arrangements early on.

Instructions for the person playing the role of Melissa

You were planning on working the shift this Saturday and you did agree with Chris and swap shifts. Tell your manager that your boyfriend has surprised you at the last minute and has just arrived in town this weekend and wants to take you to a concert on Saturday night.
Act as if you don't really see the seriousness of the situation and you are not really bothered by Chris being so upset. Say things like "Can't you just get someone else to do it?" and "I don't see what the big deal is. Begin to come around as your manager helps you to see that it is your responsibility and it is serious if you miss your shift without proper notice. You need to agree at the end of the role play that you will work it as it is your responsibility.

Role play 4 - Incorrect billtoy

A While you are busy chatting to a table of customers Melissa motion that she needs to speak

Instructions for the person playing the role of Melissa

Go up to your manager (the student) and tell him that you have a customer who has requested to see. The customer at table 12 is upset as the bill you brought her was incorrect - she was not given the twd, glasses of wine she ordered between 5 and 6 at happy hour prices, but was charged full price instead ion with the other glasses of wine she ordered post happy hour. When you tried to apologise and rectify the situation she immediately said "I want to speak to your manager

Instructions for the person playing the role of the customer

Act slightly annoyed (but not aggressive) that you have a problem with the bill a n ds askedth ebih.fie and h her when ordered the wine if I should pay for it now as it is happy hour and it might get confusing on told me that it's fine and that he would keep track of it on the bill and now I have been overcharged! So typical. You know, I wasn't even greeted properly when I walked in here - I had to wait for such a long time before anyone came to my table!"

Accept the student's offer of whatever he decides is an appropriate way to deal with the situation and calm down but provide the following feedback: I noticed that most of your waiters are quite friendly- mine however was not very friendly and didn't smile at me once tonight! Perhaps she needs some lessons in customer service."

Role play 5- Friday night blues

One of the kitchen staff Muhammed, always leaves early on a Friday. He follows the Islam faith and can never work a Friday afternoon or evening shift as he has told you privately before that he goes to the mosque to pray. You agreed to this arrangement when you employed him but he does not speak much to the other employees and he is a very private person. You overhear Vivian, another kitchen staff member, complaining that she is tired of always getting the Friday afternoon and evening shifts and it's not fair that Muhammed never works them. You then overhear her complaining to the bar staff about it an hour or so later The other staff member said that she think his religion requires that he attend prayers at a certain time.

handle the situation before it escalates.
Vivian says 'why can't he just pray anytime like other religions." You have called Vivian in to your office to Instructions for the person playing the role of Vivian - best played by the assessor When your manager asks say Its not fair that Mohammed doesn't work on Friday afternoon and nights! Everybody else does and with him not doing it, its one less person to rotate it."

Take your lead from the student and listen and answer his questions but in the end you should be satisfied and part his office on good terms.

Begin the role play here with you and Vivian having a meeting in your office.

Role play 6 - Boys' night out
Ill is 10pm and you and two of your team members are tending the bar tonight. The kitchen has just closed and the bar is at about 50% occupancy. A rowdy group of young men stagger into the bar announcing in very them are intoxicated, slurred voices that it is Will's 215' birthday today and order a round of shots.

You tell your team that you handle this one, and in a very friendly but firm tone tell the group sorry you wont be able to serve them tonight due to responsible service of alcohol legislation and the kitchen i has just closed.

One of the group members turns nasty and calls you a rude name and spits on the floor. You politely ask them to leave and suggest they call it a night. The majority of the men say "Okay, okay we are leaving now", but two of the group refuse to leave and swear at you again. The other customers in the bar have all stopped Itheir conversations and are looking on.

This role play requires a group of people to be rowdy and shout "It's Will's 215' birthday!" "We need shots!" but only requires one person to play the role below. The other members of the group should say "Okay, okay, we are leaving now - we'll call it a night" and clear out but the intoxicated man will stay. It will also require two students to role play security which will arrive after the student calls them and the role play will end there.

Instructions for the person playing the role of the intoxicated man Be very rowdy, keep demanding a drink and refuse a soft drink if offered. After being rowdy for a while and making a ft made to leave. Start to become threatening and say "What are you going to do about it, huh, huh" and things like this. and do not let the student negotiate you out of the building. Then begin to threaten violence.
Service period four:

Role play 7 - Knock out
It is a quiet lunchtime shift and there are not many people in the bar. There are only a few staff on as the busy period will only be later in the evening. You are lending the bar yourself.

Instructions for the person playing the role of the customer
Walk into the bar with customer 2 and be arguing as you walk in but so that it is quietly and not disruptive. Order a drink and engage in small talk with your customer 2. Order another drink when yours is finished and then start yelling. Pretend to throw punches at him. When he falls on the floor start panicking and saying "I'm so sorry my friend, I am so sorry" and behaving regretful and panicky.

Instructions for the person playing the role of customer 2
Walk into the bar with customer 1 and engage in conversation with customer 2 arguing quietly. Be quieter than customer 1. When he pretends to punch you throw one back and then act as if you have fallen down unconscious onto the floor. Act completely unresponsive and then after a minute or so open your eyes and start mumbling. Try to get up and fall back down again. The student should try and prevent you from getting I, up or moving around. Follow their lead and do as they say. I

• After the student has simulated a call for an ambulance and alerted security, have security arrive. in 2 minutes time to deal with customer 1 and wait at least 5-8 minutes before having two students walk in pretending to be paramedics and ask the student about the situation.
Nntten reflections - to be answered after the role plays and submitted to your assessor in a Microsoft Word iocument (or similar).

Identify and evaluate the impact of each scenario on the business's reputation and legal liability.
How would you follow up with the customers from role plays 1, 2 and 4 to ensure their satisfaction with the resolution of their complaint?

Assessment Task 6 - Evaluation


Marino management has asked that you complete a report on how the customer service practices, policies and procedures are working, and have asked you to review the numbers of complaints and conflicts in the past three months. They would like you to arrange any training required by staff members, and update policies and procedures if necessary. When your report is complete, send it to your assessor as if they were John Marino.

Background information

Post-follow up customer feedback indicated that the customers from role plays 1, 2 and 4 were happy with the final outcomes and the way the situations were handled.

Other feedback gathered indicates that 80% of customers are very satisfied with customer service and there were no other complaints made during the period.

You have identified that the staff need training in how to manage conflict more effectively with each other and you would also like to provide them with training on how to deal with aggressive customers after the incident that happened earlier this month.

Your report needs to include the following:

• An evaluation of the complaints register and summaries of outcomes.
• An evaluation of the two incidents that occurred during the period (from Assessment Task 6: role plays 6 and 7) and a summary of how they were handled and any improvements that could be made to procedures and practices involving conflict resolution and management.
• Any customer service issues you have noticed or feedback you received from customers and how this can be addressed.
• Possible causes of conflict between employees and how this can be managed.
• Training that you believe will be beneficial and arrangements you would like to put in place including sources of internal and external assistance that could be used.
• At least three suggestions to update policies and procedures. At least two of these suggestions should be updates to the policies and procedures that you developed in Assessment Task 4; and the third one can be to the policies and procedures provided to you as part of this assessment -or your own that you developed in Assessment Task 4.

Reference no: EM133025799

Questions Cloud

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Discuss the complaints handling procedure : What main products and/or services does the industry in which this business operates provide and Discuss the attitudes and attributes that are expected
Example of a government incentive : Many foreign governments offer incentives, including financial ones, to attract Canadian businesses to move there. Many provincial and municipal governments hav
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Historical development of human services : Summary of the historical development of human services. Summarize how the field developed overtime and identify three important events/or people



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