Discuss the characteristics of the problem presented

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131162804

Discuss the characteristics of the problem presented by the design of the U.S. Merchant Marine Fleet. What are the basic elements of the problem? What assumptions are being made in order to develop a mathematical model? Do these assumptions reduce the realism and, therefore, the usefulness of the model significantly? What is the primary role of the model? How do you envision that the model will be used in supporting decisions regarding the planning of the fleet? What important considerations are omitted from the model formulation?

Reference no: EM131162804

Questions Cloud

How would you specify the value of the right hand sides : How would you specify the value of the right hand sides of these constraints? Are there alternative ways of expressing inventory targets, particularly when only safety stocks are involve.
What computational implications does the problem have : Discuss what happens when only one reassignment alternative is considered for every order; what computational implications does this have? Interpret the shadow price associated with these constraints.
Analyze hierarchical nature of the proposed planning system : Analyze the hierarchical nature of the proposed planning system. Which outputs of the strategic model are transferred to the tactical model?
Training in diagnostic techniques : Nurcombe and Fitzhenry-Coor (1979) have argued that training in  diagnostic  tech- niques should lead a clinician to generate and test more hypotheses in coming to a deci- sion about a case.
Discuss the characteristics of the problem presented : Discuss the characteristics of the problem presented by the design of the U.S. Merchant Marine Fleet. What are the basic elements of the problem?
Find the probability : Find the probability that exactly k additional customers request service from the system before the first completion of a service request.
Why not use a multi period planning model : Why not use a multi period planning model? How can one study the dynamic issues associated with developing the proposed fleet for 1982?
Discuss the selection of the decision variables : Discuss the selection of the decision variables. Are there alternative formulations of the model based upon other decision variables? Should the variables be constrained to be integers?
Contrast this viewpoint with the attitude of the owner : Contrast this viewpoint with the attitude of the owner or a small subset of this fleet who is interested in optimizing the performance of his available ships.


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