Reference no: EM133537811 , Length: word count:1500
Leadership and advocacy in Early childhood
Learning Outcome 1: Demonstrate knowledge of the key principles of leadership and management in practice in early childhood education and care services and settings underpinned by theoretical and practical perspectives on administration, management and leadership.
Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrate an understanding of how to build supportive and collaborative environments for children, parents, community and staff.
Learning Outcome 3: Critically reflect on the role that advocacy plays in early childhood education (locally, nationally and internationally) and identify the skills that a strong advocate for the ECEC profession should display.
Learning Outcome 4: Critically analyse and understand the role of the educational leader: including relationships, responsibilities, expectations, ethical practice and transition to an educational leader.
Task Description
You are required to go through the 3 interviews with the educational leaders in ECED provided and then follow the instructions under the Task Instruction section below.
Task Instruction
Three interviews with educational leaders in ECEC are provided. Choose ONE interview with an educational leader to complete the analysis; the interviews can be found under the assignment 2 information.
The information collected from the interview is to be analysed to describe the educational leader's position with respect to:
• key roles and responsibilities of the educational leader
• the leadership style, and link this to early childhood leadership theory
Discuss the challenges faced by early childhood educational leader with respect to leadership style, processes and practices employed; provide examples in practice.
Present and discuss measures the educational leader takes to advocate for children's learning and development
Critically review what quality means in terms of the leadership role regarding educational outcomes for children; provide examples in practice.
Need to discuss in the report
- The roles and responsibilities of the educational leader have been described in detail, with reference to unit materials and the NQS (ACECQA, 2020)
- The leadership style of the educational leader is identified and linked to EC leadership theory with reference to the unit materials
- Challenges of the educational leader are discussed with respect to leadership styles, the processes and practices with examples in practice
- Identify and discuss the skills that the educational leader had talked about for advocacy in the EC profession
- Critically reflect on the role that advocacy plays in ECE using examples from the educational leader
Referencing Style
Referencing should conform to the APA 7th style.