Reference no: EM131496259
Question: Crossrail - the case continues
The company has published its outline plans for the station and tunnelling work to be done - making it clear that as detailed design and development of the scheme progresses there will be increasing certainty over the exact times that works will start and finish at each location.
The information below gives the assumed timings (early 2010) for main construction works at key locations. At some locations enabling works (such as the diversion of utilities like gas mains, and demolition of existing buildings) will need to take place before main works. The sites may also be required after main works, for example to support fitting out of stations and tunnels.
The following table of station start and completion dates reflects the start of construction (main civil contract works) and when enabling works begin. Note that only the first four station sites are shown here.

Tunnelling works
The completion dates shown in the following table refer to the completion of the tunnel. Fit out will take place beyond these dates. Note that only the first three tunnels to be bored are shown here.

On network works
Work on stations and tracks on the existing surface, railway which will be served by Crossrail, will be carried out by Network Rail. These are expected to start in mid 2010. The exact start and duration will vary by location and more detail on the programme will be published when it is available.
Case questions 6.2
1. How are the strategic plans for the project being turned into operational plans?
2. Visit the company website and look for information about developments which may affect these plans.