Discuss the bonferroni method

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131551959

Question: To examine changes in teaching self-efficacy, 10 teachers were measured on their self-efficacy toward teaching at the beginning of their teaching career and at the end of their 1st and 3rd years of teaching. The teaching self-efficacy scale ranged from 0 to 100 with higher scores reflecting greater teaching self-efficacy. The data are shown here. Conduct a one-factor repeated measures ANOVA to determine mean differences across time, using α = .05. Use the Bonferroni method to detect if and/or where the differences are among the time points.


Reference no: EM131551959

Questions Cloud

Discuss each cell of the design : Complete the following ANOVA summary table for a two-factor model, where there are three levels of factor A (fixed method effect) and two levels of factor B.
Identify the designs you thought were most effective : Make a short list of all the graphic design encounters you experience on a daily basis. Identify the designs you thought were most effective.
Discuss the fitness level of eight undergraduate students : A researcher tested whether aerobics increased the fitness level of eight undergraduate students participating over a 4-month period.
Summarize the cases and identify the forms of abuse involved : Summarize the cases and identify the forms of abuse involved and the overall effects on the victims. These cases must have been within the last 3 years.
Discuss the bonferroni method : To examine changes in teaching self-efficacy, 10 teachers were measured on their self-efficacy toward teaching at the beginning of their teaching career.
Create presentation that provides statistical data points : Create a 5-10 slide presentation in PowerPoint that provides at least three statistical data points that you consider critical to increase society's awareness.
Tests of between-subjects effects : As a statistical consultant, a researcher comes to you with the following partial SPSS output (sphericity assumed). In a two-factor split-plot ANOVA design.
Explain the acronym bmi and what does it stand for : Explain the acronym BMI. What does it stand for? What does it measure? What values are associated with it? Name one advantage to using BMI.
Interaction between type of behavior modification and age : An experiment was conducted to compare three types of behavior modification (1, 2, and 3) using age as a blocking variable (4-, 6-, and 8-year-old children).


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