Discuss the best network connections that organisations

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Reference no: EM133657941

Microservices Architecture

Assessment - Workshop Portfolio

Learning Outcome 1: Undertake research to demonstrate an understanding of microservices and how they contribute to business processes

Learning Outcome 2: Discuss core concepts of microservices architecture within a context of a business case study and summarise the advantages and disadvantages of adopting microservices architecture.

Learning Outcome 3: Communicate the benefits of microservices architecture to a diverse stakeholder audience by addressing complex business needs and aligning strategies to business priorities defined by changing business requirements

Assessment Task
A set of topics are available to students. Each week selected students will lead and facilitate discussions related to scheduled topics among other students. During the first class of trimester, each group will be assigned one reading topic that he/she will facilitate during tutorial.
The presenters will prior to their session identify and prepare a list of issues and/or concepts relevant to the topic they have been assignment so as to initiate discussion with the tutorial group. At the end of the discussion session, the presenters will give a summary of the ideas or points covered in the discussion and identified by the participants.

For this assignment you are required to work in groups of four (or less than four). You will present a YouTube clip that relates to your topic and lead a discussion with the class (Presentation- scheduled sessions in each week 10%). The report must be submitted at the end of the session through Bb link (Group report 1000 words- 20%).

The aim of this assessment is to give you an opportunity to get started with your group project, work in a group, and develop a discussion to justify your selected topic for presenting in this course.

Presentation skill is a key factor that each employee considers while assessing potential candidates for a job. This skill is also pivotal for entrepreneurs who seek to pitch their ideas to the potential investors and sale their products and services to their clients. In Torrens, we aim to enhance your employability skills through providing hands-on education and opportunities to practice real life experience. As a result, this assessment item is developed not only to evaluate your understanding of new topics and managing time, but also to assist you practicing and improving your presentation skills. You will apply different tools and methods to present your topic within workshop session.

Please select a topic from suggested topics and create your group.

Selected topic - Microservices communicate more over the wire, you need to test the impact of network connections more thoroughly. Using tools and techniques that better fit the new architecture can allow for faster time to market, less cost, and less risk.

Discuss the best network connections that organisations would employ in the landscape of MSA.

Docker has been identified as one of the market leading containerization platforms helping developers orchestrate containers.

Discuss why Docker has proved to be popular with developers and how is has simplified what is essentially and old way of working by making it easier to do.

Many monolithic systems have been built by teams working in functional silos, where, for example, the operations team is a separate entity that works on a separate schedule.

Discuss the importance of teams in the landscape of MSA and the role that culture plays in nurturing the appropriate culture for the organisation in question. Select one of the three organisations.
Google has a particular culture
McKinsey has a different culture
Apple is famous for its very special culture of innovation and creativity
Many IT departments work with or maintain systems developed and deployed in a monolithic architecture. A typical monolithic architecture has the following characteristics:
The data
The level of automation
Discuss each of these characteristics and their importance within organisations.

Synchronous and asynchronous communications protocols are key integration methodologies for linking microservices.
Create a list of features of each protocol and compare how they work to integrate MSA.

MSA offers three distinct options for addressing security and governance requirements: Centralized, decentralized and contextual controls. Different controls methods offer benefits and drawbacks that may make them more or less aligned to achieving the goals of rapid deployment of working code.

Discuss each section and identify where the approach is more or less aligned to the goals and objectives of MSA.

Carefully read the selected topic to understand the concepts being discussed in the subject.

Collaborate within your group from the beginning of the course to avoid taking the risk of last-minute issues. All group members are expected to participate in the group activities, according to the group charter.

Each group will present their findings and results to the class within 20 minutes timeframe on or before due date. Each presentation will be marked based on marking criteria specified in the attached rubric.

Please read the rubric carefully prior to developing your presentation and report.
The report should consist of the following structure:

A title page with subject code and name, assignment title, student's name, student number, and lecturer's name.
The introduction (100-150 words) that will also serve as your statement of purpose for the report- this means that you will tell the reader what you are going to cover in your report.
You will need to inform the reader of:
Your area of research and its context
The key concepts you will be addressing
What the reader can expect to find in the body of the

The body of the report (700-800 words)
An overview of the selected topic
Presenting a list of issues and/or concepts relevant to the topic
Summarise any findings or recommendations that the report puts forward regarding the concepts covered in the topic

The conclusion (100-150 words)
Prepare some questions to discuss in the workshop session
Reference list

Format of the report

The report should use font Arial or Calibri 11 point, be line spaced at 1.5 for ease of reading, and have page numbers on the bottom of each page. If diagrams or tables are used, due attention should be given to pagination to avoid loss of meaning and continuity by unnecessarily splitting information over two pages. Diagrams must carry the appropriate captioning.


It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research.

Reference no: EM133657941

Questions Cloud

Write on mccarthyism : Write on McCarthyism. explain what factors led to the event and how it played out.
Motivation and eating behaviors : Motivation and eating behaviors The final paper should include a title page, 5-7 pages of text, and a reference page with a minimum of five peer-reviewed
Discuss the impacts of slavery in colonial america : Discuss the impacts of slavery in colonial America. Discuss factors leading to the distinct African American cultures of the 18th Century.
Describe the manner in which you have grown personally : Describe the manner in which you have grown personally and professionally as a result of completing this course.
Discuss the best network connections that organisations : MIS603 Microservices Architecture, Assessment - Workshop Portfolio - Undertake research to demonstrate an understanding of microservices and how they contribute
Describe difference between a discount bond and premium bond : Describe the difference between a discount bond and a premium bond. Provide an example. What is the yield to call and why is it important to a bond investor?
Why do companies make adjusting entries : Why do companies make adjusting entries? When are adjusting entries made and at what point in the accounting process?
Identify the different types of tax avoidance schemes : Identify the different types of tax avoidance schemes. Examine the effect of thin capitalization on the financial statement of firms in Chicago.
How did the fight for justice and freedom : How did the fight for justice and freedom, especially for African Americans and women, lay the groundwork for the lives you and the people you know live today?


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