Discuss the benefits and challenges of worldwide sourcing

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133828034

Assignment: PPT

This case study is focused on the potential disruption of supply chains created by product recalls. Pratt and Whitney conducted a recall of engines serving the commercial airline industry. The purpose of this assignment is to discuss supply chain challenges created by product recalls.

1) Wall Street Journal: "RTX Engine Recall to Cut Profit by Up to $3.5 Billion".
2) Industry Week: "RTX Engine Issue to Hit Profit by Up to $3.5 Billion".
3) Industry Week: "Pratt & Whitney Engine Issue Adds to Airline Challenges".
4) Pratt & Whitney
5) Pratt & Whitney Supplier Requirements.

Address the following topics for Pratt & Whitney (P&W):

1) Discuss how product recalls could jeopardize sales of P&W products in the future.

2) Explain how P&W can use supplier selection and evaluation to improve the supplier base for new products in the future.

3) Design a supplier development strategy using Deming's 14 points of quality that P&W could use to prevent product recalls in the future.

4) Discuss the benefits and challenges of worldwide sourcing for the new hybrid-electric engines being developed at P&W.

Reference no: EM133828034

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