Discuss the authors presentation of information in article

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM132273411

The Research Project is a current events journal where students connect course material with current affairs.

Part 1:

Collect 5 current event items of different types (published since the start of the semester), which are related to the course material. The items may be local, national, or international. Choose from the following types:

• political cartoon
• newspaper story
• magazine article
• press release*
• editorial or letter to the editor*
• blog
• attendance at a political forum or meeting (attendance and analysis of forum or meeting counts as 3 items)

Part 2:

For each item or article complete the following analysis:

1. Identify the main issue or significance of the item or article.
• Who is involved and why are they are significant?
• How did the events unfold?
• Why did the events take place?
• How was society affected by these events?

2. Identify and describe the class concepts/key terms that relate to the article.
• Define your concepts using your class text and notes.
• Provide a brief analysis of the article using these concepts.
• Use 2 or 3 concepts per article.

3. Discuss the author's presentation of information in the article.
• Identify any bias in the information.
• Does the author represent an ideological perspective?
• Identify any detail that is missing from the article.
• Does the article present an opinion or debate an idea?

4. Provide an APA reference for the item.

5. Include a link for the item.


The assignment should be written in your own words in paragraph form. You do not need to use in-text citations as each item is from one source (you will need however to provide a reference for your source at the bottom of each page). Quotations from the text are not acceptable. Grammatical, spelling, and typing errors will detract from your assignment. Proofread your assignment before handing it in.

Title Page

• Your name and Lethbridge College ID, title of paper, course name and number, instructor's name, and date.
Page 2 - Item #1 - (e.g., political cartoon)
• Article Title
• Analysis
o Analysis of each item should be 200 words (3/4 page each).
• APA Reference
• internet link
Page 3 - Item #2
• Article Title
• Analysis
• APA Reference
• internet link
Repeat these steps for items 3 - 5.

Please use one of the following file types:
• Microsoft WordTM (DOC and DOCX)
• Plain text (TXT)
• Rich Text Format (RTF)
• Portable Document Format (PDF)

Attachment:- Research paper.rar

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5 ARTICLES SUCH AS nEWSPAPER STORY, mAGAZINE ARTICLE, PRESS RELEASE, pOLITICL CARTOON articles will be analyzed and the key concepts will be provided in the next part of this study. Main issue, who and how are affected, social consequences are discussed in this part.

Reference no: EM132273411

Questions Cloud

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Discuss the authors presentation of information in article : Research Project is a current events journal where students connect course material with current affairs.
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4/2/2019 10:34:32 PM

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat 20.0 pts Excellent - Assignment follows guidelines and is complete. 15.0 pts Good - Assignment follows guidelines with minor formatting issue. 10.0 pts Satisfactory - Assignment is too long/short. Headings are missing. 5.0 pts Minimal Pass: Assignment does not follow guidelines. Headings are missing. Titles are missing. Title page is missing. Assignment is too long/short. 0.0 pts Fail: Assignment does not follow guidelines. Assignment is not complete


4/2/2019 10:34:26 PM

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Useof language 20.0 pts Excellent - Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct. No errors. Lanuage is clear and precise; sentences display consistently strong, varied structure. 15.0 pts Good - Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed with minor errors that do not detract from the readability of the work. Spelling is correct. 12.0 pts Satisfactory - Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed with minor errors that sometimes detract from the readability of the work. Some spelling errors. 5.0 pts Minimal Pass: Assignment contains many grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors. Low-quality writing detracts from understanding content. 0.0 pts Fail: Low-quality writing detracts from understanding content.


4/2/2019 10:34:19 PM

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Level of Analysis 40.0 pts Excellent - The main issue is correctly and clearly identified. Concepts are clearly identified. Concepts are appropriate and relevant to the item. Concepts are defined and used to analyze the item. The presentation of material is discussed. 30.0 pts Good - The main issue is identified. Concepts are identified. Concepts are appropriate and relevant to the item. Concepts are defined and used to analyze the item. The presentation of material is discussed. 20.0 pts Minimal Pass - The main issue is identified. Concepts are identified. Some concepts are not appropriate or relevant to the item. Concepts are not fully defined and/or used to analyze the item. Discussion of the author's presentation of material does not recognize bias, approach or purpose correctly. 10.0 pts Minimal Pass: Level 4 - The main issue is not correctly identified. Concepts are not correct. Concepts are not described. The author's presentation of information is not discussed correctly. 0.0 pts Fail: Issue, concepts and author's presentation of information is not identified.


4/2/2019 10:34:10 PM

Criteria Ratings This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch 20.0 pts Excellent - Items are current. Items are related to class material. Each item is of a different type. Good choice of items. APA references are complete and correct. 15.0 pts Good - Items are current. Items are related to class material. No duplication of item type. APA references have minor errors. 10.0 pts Minimal Pass - Items are not current. Items have little relation with class material. Duplication of item type. APA references are incomplete or incorrect. 5.0 pts Items are not current. Items are not related to class material. Items are not of different types. APA references are missing. 0.0 pts Items are not appropriate and do not relate to course material.


4/2/2019 10:34:00 PM

The assignment should be written in your own words in paragraph form. You do not need to use in-text citations as each item is from one source (you will need however to provide a reference for your source at the bottom of each page). Quotations from the text are not acceptable. Grammatical, spelling, and typing errors will detract from your assignment. Proofread your assignment before handing it in.

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