Discuss the aspects of total quality management

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131175888

Part A-

DQ 1 - Research the definitions of various production and operations management terms used in Lecture 1. Perform a literature search on one of these terms. Discuss how this term can impact the ability for an operation to be competitive in the 21st century. Do not use a term posted by another student.

DQ 2 - Describe the differences between productivity and its subcomponents (total measure productivity, partial measure productivity, and multifactor measure productivity) related to production and operations management success.

Part B-

DQ 1 - Discuss an example of a work-related project that is able to be broken down into structure, tasks, subtasks, and work packages, and why project management in the form of a CPM/PERT chart would be cost effective.

DQ 2 - What are two reasons project management is not well done in corporations? Why? What are some specific examples?

Part C-

DQ 1 - Describe the various types of time-series and associative forecasting models. Which types of organizations are each of these most applicable to, and why?

DQ 2 - Why is forecasting important in organizations, especially as related to understanding the relevant time horizon to develop a forecast against? What are some examples from industry?

Part D-

DQ 1 - Describe the similarities and differences between TQM and Six Sigma quality-management techniques.

DQ 2 - Discuss the aspects of Total Quality Management (TQM) and how they apply in service- and product-based businesses.

Part E-

DQ 1 - Discuss the four types of process strategies and give an example of each. Also, please share any personal industry experiences (if any) with each process strategy.

DQ 2 - Discuss the differences between utilization and efficiency as measures of system performance. Which (if any) is the most useful measure for an operations manager? Why?

Part F-

DQ 1 - Discuss the key factors that impact location decisions. As an example, if locating a facility in India, what location decisions would a fast-food chain have to consider as compared to the location decisions of a software company?

DQ 2 - Discuss the strategic importance of layout decisions. How important as these decisions in terms of a company's long-term profitability goals? What are some examples?

Part G-

DQ 1 - Evaluate various supply chain strategy considerations for managers moving products or services to the consumer.

DQ 2 - Discuss the advantages of using work sampling to understand how employees allocate their time among work activities.

Part H-

DQ 1 - Discuss several advantages of linear programming; clearly explain the reasons for your choices.

DQ 2 - Discuss several disadvantages of linear programming; clearly explain the reasons for your choices.

Reference no: EM131175888

Questions Cloud

The diagnostic process of needs assessment often starts with : The diagnostic process of needs assessment often starts with- job analysis-  A gap analysis -  A concern  - An organisational audit.
Research an organization and identify the firm : Select only one topic from the list below. In your response, research an organization and identify the firm. You may use your current or past employer or another organization you know.
Differences between utilization and efficiency : Discuss the differences between utilization and efficiency as measures of system performance. Which (if any) is the most useful measure for an operations manager? Why
Find the dimension x and y that will maximize the total area : A barnyard is to be fenced is as indicated in Figure 23. If 4200 feet of fencing is to be used in its construction determine the dimension x and y that will maximize its total area?
Discuss the aspects of total quality management : Describe the similarities and differences between TQM and Six Sigma quality-management techniques. Discuss the aspects of Total Quality Management (TQM) and how they apply in service- and product-based businesses
How many items should be sold to maximize the revenue : The revenue R, in dollars, derived from selling x computers is given by R = -3x2 + 600x + 1000
What future concerns are likely to impact public health : What future concerns are likely to impact public health? How do you see global health concerns impacting your community?
Determine the relationship between a b and c : determine the relationship between a, b and c if the parabola is to have no real x-intercepts.
How is revenue defined : How is revenue defined? And what event triggers its recognition? - Does this present a reasonable measure of the revenue earned by the business during the reporting period?


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