Reference no: EM131949128
Qusetion: To prepare for this Discussion:
• Review this week's DVD program, "Application of Psychological Research - Clinical Settings." Consider the areas of forensic psychology research that are relevant to forensic clinical settings.
• Review the article, " Actuarial Versus Clinical Assessments of Dangerousness," in this week's Learning Resources.
• Pay particular attention to the studies discussed in the article and the key "takeaways" from these studies. Think about how a forensic psychology professional might use the findings of the studies in a forensic clinical setting.
• Using the Walden Library, select and review another study, current or historical, that was conducted in a forensic clinical setting.
• Again, focus on the key "takeaways" of the study you selected and think about how the findings might be used by a forensic psychology professional in forensic clinical settings.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 4 a brief summary of the study you selected, being sure to include the key findings and any other important "takeaways" of the study. Then, explain how a forensic psychology professional might use the findings in this or another clinical forensic setting.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.