Reference no: EM132452987
Visit a local restaurant. Record the name of the restaurant, the address, and the time of your visit. Write an account of your experience with a focus on the following questions:
- Discuss the aesthetics of the restaurant. How do the aesthetics improve upon the concept? Describe the aesthetics using the design language you learned this week in the lecture and discussion boards. (For example, in McDonald's, how do hard seats and bright lighting contribute to quick customer turn around?)
- How does the flow of customers work (i.e., how do people move through the space?) Is the space plan convoluted or effective? How are employees maneuvering in the space? Do they have access to the things they need to perform their jobs?
- Describe three (3) things you would change to improve upon the design of this restaurant. How would your changes affect the dining experience, both aesthetically and functionally?
Before submitting your assignment (using the Turnitin link below), be sure you have
- Answers all of the questions. Do not include the questions in your paragraphs. Instead, integrate information into paragraphs clearly and meaningfully using a logical pattern.
- Clearly and succinctly articulated a point of view. (Notice that each question asks for your opinion.)
- Supported your point of view with evidence from the virtual Architectural Web Tour (e.g., images you viewed, information you read, etc.).
- Organized your ideas logically.
- Used Times New Roman (or similar font) and a 12 point font size.
View a photograph of La Cuisine, the restaurant in the Le Royal Monceau Raffles in Paris, France, at Then, respond to the following questions on the discussion board (each in a concise paragraph):
- Discuss the color in this restaurant. What is the dominant color scheme? What do you see in terms of value, chroma, and hue? What is the key of the restaurant? Is the scheme warm or cool?
- Use your knowledge of color psychology to critique the design of the restaurant. How does the color affect the customer experience? Does it enhance the meal or detract from it? Would you feel comfortable dining in this space?
To post your response to the questions,
- Create a new thread on the discussion board by clicking the Thread button. Title the thread with something that helps others on the discussion board know the general content of your contribution to the discussion.
- Write a concise paragraph for each of the discussion board questions. Before submitting your post, be sure you have
- Clearly and succinctly articulated a point of view. (Notice that each question asks for your opinion.)
- Supported your point of view with evidence from the virtual Architectural Web Tour (e.g., images you viewed, information you read, etc.)
- Avoided copying text from any of the Web sites you visited on the virtual Architectural Web Tour. You are welcome to paraphrase information you found (and cite using APA format); however, taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as your own, or plagiarizing, will not be tolerated.
- Checked for and corrected spelling and grammar errors.
- Respond to at least two of your classmates' posts by respectfully asking a probing question(s), explaining how your perspectives are similar or not similar, asking him or her to clarify his point of view or provide more information, validating an idea with your own experience, pinpointing concepts from the required reading that help explain his or her ideas, sharing an insight from having read your classmate's post, etc.
After reading about and viewing photographs of Olivomare Restaurant in the United Kingdom at, respond to the following questions on the discussion board:(each in a concise paragraph):
- Do you see examples in this space of the design basics/principles from the lecture? Find a minimum of five examples, and describe how they manifest in Olivomare.
- Discuss how this restaurant employs design strategies to effectively create an interesting space. Do you think the design of this restaurant enhances the customer experience? Would you feel comfortable eating in this space? What would you add/subtract from the design, and why would you do this?
To post your response to the questions,
- Create a new thread on the discussion board by clicking the Thread button. Title the thread with something that helps others on the discussion board know the general content of your contribution to the discussion.
- Write a concise paragraph for each of the discussion board questions. Before submitting your post, be sure you have
- Clearly and succinctly articulated a point of view. (Notice that each question asks for your opinion.)
- Supported your point of view with evidence from the virtual Architectural Web Tour (e.g., images you viewed, information you read, etc.)
- Avoided copying text from any of the Web sites you visited on the virtual Architectural Web Tour. You are welcome to paraphrase information you found (and cite using APA format); however, taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as your own, or plagiarizing, will not be tolerated.
- Checked for and corrected spelling and grammar errors.
- Respond to at least two of your classmates' posts by respectfully asking a probing question(s), explaining how your perspectives are similar or not similar, asking him or her to clarify his point of view or provide more information, validating an idea with your own experience, pinpointing concepts from the required reading that help explain his or her ideas, sharing an insight from having read your classmate's post, etc.