Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of remote workplace

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM133043185

Project - The Conference

Project - Miywasin Co.

You have now almost completed OPRO 100. Congratulations! Throughout this course, you have learned material that is useful for administrative assistants. This project has been created to incorporate the skills and knowledge gained in all learning outcomes. Throughout this project you will complete several tasks in preparation for a meeting with your office manager (your instructor). Have fun with this project.

1. Project instructions;
2. Invitation letter; and
3. Company scenarios (refer only to the company scenario assigned to your group).

Project Instructions:

You are an administrative assistant for the company provided in the attached scenario. Review the scenario to familiarize yourself with the company. The office manager (your instructor) decided to commit time and money to improve the office. He or she has asked you and the other administrative assistants in your group to conduct research to improve equipment and procedures used. It was good timing that your manager found the attached invitation on the internet when researching potential seminars to attend. Your manager decided to speak at the conference.

Review the invitation to familiarize yourself with the details. Your manager will need to respond to the invitation and provide the requested material in preparation for the conference.

Your manager has scheduled a meeting (to be scheduled one week from the project due date) for which you will complete the following requirements and present the reports. While completing all project requirements, keep your company scenario and the invitation in mind. Brainstorm and add any other details you think may help enhance the final product that you submit.

Review Parts 1 to 13 below. As a group, apply effective time management techniques to accomplish each Section and divide them equally among your group members.

Section 1. Time Distribution Chart. There are several requirements to complete this project. Create a time distribution chart indicating all requirements on the left side and the group members and columns for hours on the top. Break up some of the larger requirements into smaller steps/tasks. Use the sample time distribution chart on page 55 of the textbook as a reference. Indicate who is contributing to each project requirement and, if requirements have been broken into smaller parts, state specifically which Section of that requirement each group member will be completing, along with eventually adding the time it took to complete it. Include subtotals of the hours for each row and each column. Your manager will be interested in seeing this chart to see who did what and the breakdown of the time spent by each person on the project and the time to complete each requirement of the project. You will submit the completed time distribution chart in Section 11 of this project; however, your manager would like to know your progress earlier. Two days before this project is due, email the partially complete time distribution chart to your manager to show what has already been completed, and what is left to complete.

Section 2. Annotating. You are responsible for presenting all incoming mail for the manager. This includes annotating and highlighting details in important correspondence. Annotate the invitation with the necessary notes and key points for the manager. Email a copy of the annotated invitation to your manager.

Section 3. (You don't have to create a shared calendar - ignore that part. Create the tentative appointment in one of your calendars) Calendar and Tentative Appointment. Have one group member create a new calendar in Outlook (name it your company name). Share the calendar with your group members and your manager; however, before you do this, as a group decide if each group member will have permission to update the calendar. If so, select the option "recipient can add, edit, and delete this calendar". Do a printscreen before you send the email sharing the calendar. If you are having difficulty sharing the calendar: (1) clean out your inbox and sent items; (2) "unforward" your Sask Polytech email; and (3) turn off rules that you may have set up with your group members. If you are still having trouble sharing the calendar, consult with your instructor.

In the new calendar created above, create one tentative appointment for your manager for the conference based on the attached invitation information. Set the appointment status as tentative (with a note that the appointment is set as tentative because the arrangements have not yet been confirmed). While you don't have the hotel confirmation yet, include the hotel's contact information in the appointment details.

Do a p rintscreen of the appointment.

Note: When requested to printscreen throughout the project, use the Snipping Tool.

Section 4. Meeting Invitation and Agenda. Send a meeting invitation in Outlook to your group members and your manager. Prepare an agenda for the upcoming meeting that includes the reports prepared for the meeting. Attach the Agenda to the meeting invitation. Since your manager will have several meetings that day, be prepared for the manager to propose a different time. Each group member will accept the meeting invitation. Once everyone has responded to the meeting invitation, do a printscreen of the meeting invitation and each response.

Section 5. Draft Email Reply to Invitation. Draft an email responding to the invitation letter on behalf of your manager indicating that he or she will be attending and presenting. Review the invitation letter and include all the requested information. Include relevant details in your draft email so that there is no confusion about what conference you are confirming. It is important that you make that clear because Worldwide Administrative Professionals Association organizes several conferences every year. Along with indicating your manager's decision to present at the conference, include the topics your manager proposes to speak about. Instead of only including the broad topics, be very clear about the specific topics your manager would like to present. Your manager wishes to attend the optional evening activities. Do a p rintscreen of your draft email.

Section 6. (Do Section A only) Conference Reports. Complete t wo reports outlining what your manager will propose to speak about at the conference. The group will determine who will complete each report. Each report should be two to three paragraphs in length, double-spaced and 12-point font. Apply your specific company scenario and the conference theme to each report. There is an expectation that you will conduct research for these reports; therefore, include citations and references to give credit to the source (even if you are using course material). The topics for these reports are:

a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of remote workplaces, and discuss how these disadvantages can be overcome; and
b) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of acquiring a virtual receptionist and discuss how these disadvantages can be overcome.

Section 7. (Do Section A only) Office Technology Reports. Complete t wo office technology reports to assist your manager in his or her quest to improve the office. The group will determine who will complete each report. Each report should be two to three paragraphs in length, double-spaced and 12-point font. Apply your specific company scenario to each report. There is an expectation that you will conduct research for each of the reports; therefore, include citations and reference to give credit to the source (even if you are using course material). The topics for the two reports:

a) Research two different combination photocopier/printer/scanners that meet the organization's needs, while keeping the price as low as possible. Include a discussion of why you chose the two different options and which one of the two options you would suggest for the organization and why; and

b) Research two different shredders that meet the organization's needs, while keeping the price as low as possible. Include a discussion of which one of the two options you would suggest for the organization and why.

Section 8. Itinerary. It is important to prepare a detailed itinerary for your manager's trip to the conference. Use the example on page 246 of the Administrative Procedures textbook as a template for your itinerary. Also, adhere to the following formatting rules:
• Key the itinerary in a table (no gridlines) or use tabs.
• Use the 24-hour clock format; and
• Do not apply borders or shading.
In addition to the information included in the invitation, consider the following:
• Your manager will travel economy class - search for flights to and from the location for the specified time period;
• Your manager prefers, if possible, to arrive the morning the conference starts;
• Include the extra days (as discussed in Section 10); however, you won't have any detailed information to include for those days in the itinerary;

• Include two attractions for your manager to visit during the trip (from Section 9 below); and
• Group transportation - your manager prefers to use taxis.

Section 9. Travel Information. It is also important to research additional information about the conference location your manager will be travelling to. Provide a report explaining why it is important to provide this information about the location. Include examples of additional information to research, and briefly describe two attractions for your manager to visit during the trip. The report should be two to three paragraphs in length, double-spaced and 12-point font. Apply your specific company scenario to the report. There is an expectation that you will conduct research for each of the report; therefore, do not forget to include citations and reference to give credit to the source (even if you are using course material).

Section 10. Telephone Message. Your manager would like you to contact the hotel to explain that he or she would like to extend the hotel stay five nights (new checkout - August 10). On the hotel website, research what department and phone number you would call to leave this message. Explain that your manager understands that Worldwide Administrative Professionals Association is taking care of the hotel bookings and charges during the conference and that your manager will pay for the extra nights.

Ask for a confirmation of the new checkout date, provide your contact information, and provide a Mastercard number (make up a 16 digit number) the charges can be applied to. Key the message you would leave with the appropriate hotel department (indicate the hotel department and phone number). Prepare an audio recording of this same telephone message. Do not forget to identify yourself; the date and time of your call; your manager's name; your company name; and conference name.

Section 11. No change (other than omitting anything that you didn't need to have done) Revise Meeting Invitation. Revise the meeting invitation to your group members and the manager to add the following attachments:
• Section 1 - Time Distribution Chart;
• Section 6 - Conference Reports;
• Section 7 - Office Technology Reports
• Section 8 - Itinerary;
• Section 9 - Travel Information; and
• Section 10 - Telephone Message (keyed copy).

Section 12. Printscreens and Audio Recording. Compile all p rintscreens in one document (Word or PDF). Ensure all printscreens are labeled accordingly. Submit this document a nd the audio recording in Dropbox by the due date indicated by your instructor.

Section 13. Additional Project Requirements. In addition to the specific requirements noted above, your project submission will be assessed on the following:
• Have you been creative?
• Have you completed the project professionally?

• Have you proofread everything?
• If you used information from other sources to enhance your project, did you give credit to the source (citation and reference)?
• Did you refer to your company scenario throughout the project?

Attachment:- Project - The Conference.rar

Reference no: EM133043185

Questions Cloud

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12/8/2021 1:35:20 AM

Actually I am making a project for my college and I need your help for this project. my project on Miywasin Co. I am attaching the project's information below. my project on Miywasin Co. Also make sure report will be in Apa style format with Apa style citations.

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