Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both networks

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131314881


Provide short answers to the following six questions. Your answers should be clear, concise and to the point. Prepare a single document (MS Word or PDF, NOT both) along with title page and submit it online using EASTS.

Question 1: The address depletion of IPv4 and other shortcomings of this protocol prompted a new version of IP known as IPv6. Explain the advantages of this new IPv6 when compared to IPv4?

Question 2: Migrating from IPv4 to IPv6 is known as the transition from version 4 to version 6 and requires formal strategies to handle this transition. Explain each of the strategies for this migration process using appropriate examples.

Question 3: Calculate the approximate bit rate and signal level(s) for a 4.2 MHz bandwidth system with a signal to noise ratio of 170.

Question 4: In a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, Internet users that are ready to share their resources become peers and form a network. Describe the differences between centralised and decentralised P2P networks? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both networks.

Question 5: What is the total delay (latency) for a frame of size 5 million bits that is being sent on a link with 12 routers each having a queuing time of 4 µs and a processing time of 2 µs. The length of the link is 2600 km, the speed of light inside the link is 2.2 x 10 8 m/s, the link has a bandwidth of 6 Mbps. Which component(s) of the total delay is/are dominant? Which one(s) is/are negligible? (5 Marks)

Question 6: Briefly explain the working of FTP with a flow diagram. How does it differ from SCP? What are the security considerations in FTP?

Assessment item - Web Site Design Task

You may have a personal portfolio website for a number of reasons. If you're a freelancer, then you'd need one to showcase your work and allow people to contact you. For a student (or unemployed), the portfolio can be used to show your work to prospective employers. If you're part of a studio, then you might use one to blog about your design life, show people what you're doing and build your online presence. Include all the skills you have achieved, the activities you are involved in, previous experience, qualification and more about yourself.

A personal portfolio website is all about promoting you. You are a brand, and your name is a brand name. No one is going to know about your brand unless you get it out there; and if you're a Web designer, developer, writer, gamer etc, then it's essential that you have a good portfolio website.

Getting Web Server Account on CSU Web Servers

Do these steps early, if you have difficulties accessing the Web Server contact Student Central in the first instance. If you can't resolve problems quickly, contact your Subject Coordinator as soon as possible.

1. Go to the web site https://www.csu.edu.au/webpublishing/personal.htm

2. Go to "Students? Your personal publishing information is "here" link and follow the instruction to get the web server account and how to publish your information.

3. Keep in mind that the CSU web server allows a maximum size of data files up to 20MB. So your data files should be within this limit.

4. At the completion of registration process, you should have a webpage address similar to https://csusap.csu.edu.au/~username (where username is your actual username) It will NOT be active until you place some files on the server.

Then complete the following:

1. Create a new HTML5 file named index.htm and save it in a folder with your Data Files.

2. Add the appropriate doctype for HTML5 to the beginning of the file.

3. Add a comment to the document head describing the document's content and containing your name and the date.

4. Add an appropriate page title to the document head.

5. Set the character set of the file to UTF-8.

6. Include at least one example of each of the following:

1. structural elements such as the header, footer, section and aside elements

2. grouping elements including a heading and a paragraph

3. a text-level element

4. an inline image

5. a character entity reference or a character encoding number

6. ordered or unordered list

7. include an Internal Style Sheet which provides at least 2 type selectors and a universal selector

7. Validate the web page(s) you have created using https://validator.w3.org (https://validator.w3.org/) (there should be no errors for HTML5)

8. Structure your HTML5 code so that it's easy for others to read and understand.

9. Save your changes to the file, and then open it in your Web browser to verify that is readable.

10. Upload your files to the web server account you have created on CSU web server. Verify that the web page you have created is linked to your own homepage e.g. https://csusap.csu.edu.au/~student

11. Submit a document containing the full URL of your homepage through Turnitin (PDF or Word document, NOT both). You do not need to submit your other files. Note that the files are date stamped on the server so should not be modified after submission, otherwise a late penalty will be applied.

This website must be unique (not part of a previous submission or exist elsewhere on the Internet), and it must be hand coded. The use of Dreamweaver or other Web page creation software will not be accepted and will result in zero marks being awarded to this assessment item.

Reference no: EM131314881

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12/16/2016 4:23:48 AM

Clearly defines various internet technologies, with evidence of synthesis of own research and prescribed reading in topics. Evidence of In depth use of applying own relevant literature reseach to to address the concepts of the questions. role and Demonstrates a importance of high level of Internet information technologies in analysis of the role the modern and importance of world internet technologies in the modern world. Explain different No errors in the application layer material presented, services with an in-depth, clear, well-structured explanation of different application layer services.


12/16/2016 4:22:50 AM

Internet Technology Word Count- As per attachments - Only Assessment Item 2 needed to be done This assessment consists of six questions assessing a basic understanding of network & data ommunication models, next generation IP and application layer paradigm. This assessment covers the following learning objectives: define and explain various Internet technologies; describe and analyse the role and importance of Internet technologies in the modern world; and explain how different application layer services such as client-server and peer-to-peer paradigms work in the Internet. In depth In depth use of a synthesis of good range of various Internet relevant literature technologies to address the questions.

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