Discuss the 5 ps of healthcare marketing

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131295882

Assignment 1

To begin, select one (1) of the following healthcare systems that you would like to explore
for this unit:

? Acute care

? Ambulatory care

? Assisted living

? Continuing care retirement community

? Critical access hospital

? Dialysis care

? Home health care

? Hospice care

? Long-term care

? Memory care

? Palliative care

? Pediatric care

? Primary care

? Short-term care (e.g. post-surgery therapy)

? Surgical care

? Veterans Administration

? Other (requires approval from instructor)

The healthcare system that you selected will be the foundation for your unit 2 assignment.

? Discuss how your selected healthcare system can legally market their services and products (e.g. federal requirements, state mandates, etc.)

? Defend three (3) marketing principles and/or theories that you believe are most promising for your healthcare system

? Research a real-life healthcare system that matches the system you selected and synthesize the success of its marketing efforts

Report your findings by using one (1) of the methods below:

? 4-5 page fact sheet for the general community

? Letter to the CEO of your selected healthcare system.

? Infographic

• The use of first person is permitted for this assignment. APA formatting (e.g. title page, conclusion, reference page, etc.) should not be used.

• Although the use of APA formatting is not required for this assignment, proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected.

*Hint: Try locating a healthcare system that you are familiar with, would like to network with, have heard concerns about, or one that is completely unfamiliar to you.

Reference: https://data.medicare.gov/

Assignment 2


In this unit, you will become the investigator of three (3) healthcare systems and predict which one has the most promising marketing potential. By the end of this unit, you will be able to proficiently discuss how the 5 P's of marketing and research-supported assessment
strategies impact the marketing potential of a healthcare system.

? Select and provide a general overview of three (3) healthcare organizations that interest you*.

? Discuss the 5 P's of healthcare marketing to each healthcare organization (this can be general or specific).

? Elaborate how the 5 P's of healthcare marketing may impact the marketing potential of a healthcare organization.

? Using an assessment or evaluation strategy, discuss the marketing potential of each and predict which one has the most promising marketing potential.

• Be sure to support your assertions with evidence-based research, scholarly articles, and well-supported strategies that support your predictions.

o 3-4 page paper excluding front and back matter (APA standards apply).

o Internal organizational memorandum.

o Infographic

The use of first person is permitted for this assignment (excluding option 1). APA formatting (e.g. title page, conclusion, reference page, etc.) should not be used.

• Although the use of APA formatting is not required for this assignment, proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected.

Reference no: EM131295882

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