Reference no: EM133742338
Assignment: Challenges Mitigation in Probation and Parole Departments
According to research, nearly 4.4 million people in the United States are on probation or parole, often for years.
Probation and parole were designed in the late nineteenth century to keep people out of jail and prison and help them to get needed services. But the "tough on crime" movement that began in the 1970s turned probation and parole into a means of racial control. Conditions toughened, sentences lengthened, monitoring increased, and sanctions for violations were heightened. Now, these systems are fueling mass incarceration. In 2017, nearly half the number of people entering state prisons in the United States were sent there for violating probation or parole.
Review the YouTube Video: "Probation, Parole, & Prosecution Panel".
Read the Pew research study titled "probation and parole systems" that I uploaded in the files.
Share your critical insights on the future of probation and parole. How can probation and parole departments mitigate challenges faced by the departments?
Discuss takeaways from the video in the Chapter Review Textbox. What resonated with you from the panel discussion about probation?
Discuss takeaways from the Pew research study. What resonated with you from the study?
*Review the background check packet when applying to become a Probation Officer that I also uploaded in the files.
Respond to the following questions:
1) Why do you think the background check document is so thorough?
2) What can a student do now to improve their chances of successfully complete the background check?