Reference no: EM132595711
Question 1. Discuss the term "romantic child" and connect to one of the texts we have read this semester, bringing in passages from Hintz and Tribunella and your example texts. In your discussion, define and explain two more types of childhood discussed In Hintz and Tribunella. Connect these other types of childhood to texts we have read this semester.
Question 2. Discuss names and naming in at least one text we have read this semester. How do names offer ways to explore identity? What other functions do names have? Discuss specific texts and quote specific passages from those texts.
Question 3. Define two genres, and give examples of each genre. You should also discuss how two books we have read fit into the genres you discuss. Your answers should bring in passages from the texts and give specific details from the texts, and should refer to in-class presentations and the textbook.
Question 4. What are some of the ways children's poetry is defined? Give two examples of children's poetry, from presented poems and poems in the textbook and discuss how these poems function as children's poetry. How does poetry differ from nursery rhyme or verse? In your answer, you might discuss the four common categories of children's poetry and the influence of the oral tradition on nursery rhymes.
Question 5. Discuss some examples of linguistic nonsense and word play in Alice in Wonderland. Be specific and bring in quoted passages from the text. Discuss how Carroll parodies other texts read by nineteenth-century children. Give specific examples.
Question 6. Drawing on some of the issues discussed in the "Race, Ethnicity, and Culture" chapter in Hintz and Tribunella, discuss themes and historical details that emerge in The Watson Go to Birmingham. You might discuss whether you think there is enough historical context given for Curtis's treatment of racism, segregation, and racist violence in a novel about a summer road trip. You might discuss Curtis's juxtaposition of humor and very serious topics. Use quotes passages from Curtis and from Hintz and Tribunella in your answer.
Question 7. Using the hero on a journey monomyth model, discuss how one of the books we have read this semester fits this model. In your answer, bring in specific passages and details from the text you are discussing. Make sure to include key passages from your text in your discussion and examples of the key features of the hero on a journey pattern.
Question 8. How does One Crazy Summer define home? How do places in the community such as restaurants, parks, and community centers become extensions of home? Discuss specific passages that explore this topic. In your answer, you might bring in definitions of both adventure and domestic fiction from Hintz and Tribunella.
Question 9. Is This is the Rope a picturebook or an illustrated book? Define these terms using Hintz and Tribunella and defend your position with examples from the text. In your answer, you might give examples of books you see as
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