Discuss some data warehousing applications.

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13951219

Decision-Supporting Technologies Part II

Check Your Understanding

1. Discuss some data warehousing applications. Describe the origins of data warehousing? What are some characteristics of data warehousing? What is your experience with this information system? What are managerial considerations concerning data warehousing?

2. To bridge the gap between the theory presented in the course materials and the real world, discuss what is meant by artificial intelligence (AI). Discuss some artificial intelligence (AI) applications. What are some predictions concerning specific applications of AI? What is your experience with AI applications?


Using the list of addresses in Appendix B, browse the World Wide Web and select an article that reflects the topic of data warehousing, artificial intelligence, or "smart" technology. Discuss the content of the article, demonstrating how it relates to the topic. What type of technology was addressed in the article? What is its function and benefit or impact? Include the URL addresses to identify your sources.

Appendix B


Reference no: EM13951219

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