Reference no: EM131650810
1. Write a supportable, 100 word answer to the following discussion question:
In their article published in Sex Roles (55: 209-224, 2006), authors Geoffrey Urbaniak and Peter Kilmann describe the "nice guy" stereotype this way: "The nice guy stereotype asserts that women in today's society display contradictory attitudes and behaviors regarding whom they choose as dating partners. At least since the rise of the second wave of feminism, many women have expressed a desire to date kind, sensitive, and emotionally expressive men, rather than more traditionally masculine, distant, and insensitive ‘macho men' (or, more pejoratively, ‘jerks.') Despite this stated preference, however, proponents of the nice guy stereotype argue that, in reality, women still choose to date macho men over nice guys, especially if the macho men are more physically attractive. The nice guys are, subsequently, either outright rejected or relegated to the category of ‘just friends'." Urbaniak and Kilmann even give evidence that supports the "nice guy" stereotype. Do you think the "nice guy" stereotype is true or not? What is your opinion based on your own feelings and/or observations?
o Shares thoughts, ideas, or opinions in a clear, focused manner
o Provides supporting details
o Demonstrates understanding of the topic in a position tone
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