Discuss socialization messages that might impact student

Assignment Help Humanities
Reference no: EM133471968

Part One
Use the textbook I gave. Read chapter 11 and 12. Each question should be at least 500 words. Analytic questions, not reflections per se, that relate course themes from readings and lectures. Connect with your personal, professional experience when answering. Directly reference texts where necessary - demonstrate that you've read and understood them. Reply to 2 of your peers (200 words/each, highlight what you found interesting, particularly if their perspective differed from your own, raise issues, or pose new questions)

Question #1:
Reformers implicitly assume their initiatives, (e.g., mental health), will have positive impacts on students. A) Applying Brint's micro-level ideas, discuss "socialization messages" that might impact student mental health. B) Applying Baker's macro-level ideas, discuss broad possible impacts of those reforms on broader societal discourse re mental health. C) Design a rigorous, open-ended empirical study (observations, field experiments, surveys, etc.) to test whether that reform had its intended micro-level impacts.

Question #2:
North American and Western European research from 1950-2000 emphasized ways schools had to compete for students' attention. a) How did/do various subcultures (youth, traditional working class, street) each hinder ‘alignment'? B) In other parts of the world, like China, and/or in more recent times, have those original subcultures weakened, and/or replaced by new subcultures? How are these trends affecting ‘alignment'? Discuss.

Part Two

As much as possible, you should contribute by making connections between the readings and your own personal and professional observations and experiences. In addition to sharing your ideas and thoughts, your post should also include at least one question that you would like others to comment or reflect on. Reply to two of your peers.

Question #1:
Welcome back to our policy dialogue on Post-Secondary Education. In our previous discussions, we explored the topics of the power & privilege, as well as the role of performance-based discourse. This week, we aim to bridge the academic discussion with practical insights.
three key areas: diversity and equity, policy mechanisms, and the value of post-secondary education. While there have been notable efforts to address these issues, it is evident that challenges and problems persist, such as earning the trust of underrepresented groups.
I would like to pose the following questions:
1. How would you suggest (re-)allocating resources within the post-secondary education system to support lifelong learning?
2. What specific initiatives would you propose to foster an inclusive and equitable climate in post-secondary education?
3. Have there been any notable changes in perspective or action as a result of our participation in this policy dialogue?

Reference no: EM133471968

Questions Cloud

What will be the standard deviation of the forecast error : what will be the standard deviation of the forecast error for one day (assuming 365 days in a year). Please include at least two decimal places in your answer
What transformational management or leadership is : what transformational management/leadership is and how it differs from transactional leadership. Briefly explain when each of these styles of management might
What are the manufacturing strategies : What are the manufacturing strategies and explain why the manufacturing strategies "set the tone" for the entire supply network
Which option is more economical : You are paid via a letter of credit the day the parts arrive. Your holding cost is estimated at 30% of the value per year.Which option is more economical
Discuss socialization messages that might impact student : How did/do various subcultures (youth, traditional working class, street) each hinder ‘alignment'? In other parts of the world, like China
What can be the major impacts of an e-commerce : Establishing the correlation between the plan, make, source and deliver parts of the supply chain and the possible impact of these technologies and movements
Widely-cited article famously argues : Don Mitchell's 1995 widely-cited article famously argues that there's 'no such thing as culture.'
Demonstrate your competency of the compliance : Review and provide detailed information on Grainger's article on the actual cost of compliance. This study highlights the transactionalcosts of compliance
What is dichotomous model of classification : What is a dichotomous model of classification? What are the major differences between the strepsirrhines and the haplorrhines?


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