Reference no: EM133829285
3 positive sentences for discusion board reply
For this weeks discussion question, I chose to discuss Social inequality. Social inequality of wealth impacts lives by limiting access to essential resources such as, education, healthcare, housing, food, and job opportunities. Those with fewer financial resources often face hardship and barriers that stem from different ethnic groups, gender, and poverty, thus lowering the overall quality of life. Social inequality can affect minorities and Females by creating barriers that limit the opportunities that are available to them, thus creating a divide among certain groups of people.
How Social inequality effects different groups
Minorities can be affected by lower education opportunities, lower income, and reduced access to health care. Now, women can be affected by the gender pay gap by being paid less than their Male peers. This topic indirectly relates to me as my fiance was passed up for a job promotion that she was over qualified for by a Male co worker that was less qualified for the position.
Moving on, I have volunteered in food banks before. My experience has given me more empathy and and awareness. I have learned more about social issues and poverty. The skills that I have gained from this experience were: Leadership, teamwork, and communication skills. I am glad that I was able to have this eye opening experience.