Discuss significance of vpn for contemporary organisations

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132291106

Assignment - VPN Technologies and Security issues

Learning Outcomes

Students should be able to demonstrate their achievements in the following unit learning outcomes:

a. Analyse and discuss the significance of VPN for contemporary organisations and how it addresses their concerns and security issues.

b. Explain the role of VPN, its limitations and works done to address these limitations as well as to supporting the security of businesses and corporations

Assignment Description


There are two parts to this assignment, i.e. part A and part B.

A. Write a review article for the following topics depending on the last digit of your ID: select Topic 1 if it ends in an ‘odd' number or Topic 2 if it ends in an ‘even' number. Note that final mark of part A would be affected by the presentation result of part B. This is to assure that students understand the work presented in part A. overall mark of part A could be deducted by 50% for poor presentation.

B. Presentation(to present in 5-8 slides only in 5-8 minutes during Laboratory time)10 marks

Part A description:

1. Topic 1 - Cloud Computing Security with VPN

Cloud storage is a service model in which data is maintained, managed, backed up remotely and made available to users over a network or internet. It permits the client to store files online so that the user can access them from any location via the internet. The provider company makes them available to the user online by keeping the uploaded files on an external server. A major challenge for cloud computing providers is to deliver sufficient security levels to protect users' data. A lot of research has been carried out with this target.

Discuss how to secure connectivity to public cloud networks with VPN. Evaluate public cloud performance considering varying security schemes of firewalls and VPNs under the four scenarios: no firewall no VPN, firewall-only, VPN-only and a combination of firewall and VPN. Investigate the impacts of using VPN together with firewall on cloud computing performance.

Address the issue(s) of VPN security in details as described in common part section

2. Topic 2 - VPN Replacement Technologies

Legacy VPNshashad some major drawbacks and problems such as the ones described below. There have been attempts to resolve the issues, and some technologies are being deployed as alternatives, e.g. Microsoft DirectAccess, SoftEther VPN etc. Discussthe limitations/problems existed in legacy VPNs and recommendalternative options to resolve and overcome the problems of legacy VPNs. Address the issue of VPN security in details as described in common part section.

Common Part- VPN Security Issues
Fundamentally, VPN is known as being secure and safe; however, there are still many issues with regards to security aspects. A simple Google search of ‘VPN security' displays 135 million results. Search the internet for relevant articles/papers, and compare and analyze what these security issues are and what solutions they propose.


Prepare your article as below

1. Go to the IEEE website and download the WORD template for the format.

2. See the link for the template(attached)

3. Read and familiarize yourself with the instructions carefully.

4. Prepare a paper using the IEEE format and the example attached. Follow the template if there are any confusions. Also, refer to the link below to have ideas how to start (see section 6).

5. Complete the assignment (minimum 5 and maximum 8 pages) including all the sections below. The number of words will be counted thoroughly and you must keep the minimum number of words to avoid any penalties.
• Title (maximum 15 words)
• Abstract (200 - 250 words)
• Introduction (300 - 500words)
• Literature Review (500 - 1000 words)
• Main body (500 - 100 words)
• Conclusion (200 - 300 words)
• Future Works (150 - 300 words)
• References (minimum 10 references)

6. The article must be a ‘Review' article including at least 5 references and not more than 25.

7. Strictly follow the IEEE reference format for in-body citations and the references section.

8. See the attached files for guidance on how to prepare a review paper. You can also find thorough instructions from IEEE and the Internet.

9. Contents must include:
• History and background of the topic
• What are the challenges and drawbacks, what solutions and workouts they found
• Possible options (solutions) and future research areas proposed
• Scopes of topic, progress of developments such as requirements, benchmarking, purposes & objectives, stakeholders, owners, roles and responsibilities where applicable.
• Flowchart
• Include a minimum of two (2) figures to show the overall concept and summarized overview of the topic from the review of minimum 10 - 15 (but not limited to) papers.
• Include a couple of tables to summarize the result of findings
• How each organization approaches, initiates, develops procedures and ownerships, and what results they got, and how it affected their businesses.
• What you conclude in terms of the topic/solutions to implement in an organization. Consider other aspects to include for a good review paper.

10. Remember to strictly follow the template and the instructions above to avoid penalties.

Part B description:

Prepare slides (between 5 - 10 slides) for presentation during the lab class. Read the instruction attached carefully.

Attachment:- Virtual Private Networks.rar

Verified Expert

The requirement is to analyze legacy VPNs and highlight the problems in terms of security. Part 2 and common part are answered.Also, a PPT is also created.

Reference no: EM132291106

Questions Cloud

Discuss how you will use quality performance tools : Discuss how you will use at least 2 of the following quality performance tools and techniques to perform monitoring and control.
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How you would approach design for a new project : Consider the phases associated with both waterfall and Agile. How you would approach design for a new project, based off each of these SDLC approaches?
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4/22/2019 11:52:43 PM

Criteria 4 All elements are present and very well integrated. Components present with good cohesive Criteria 5 Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments Consistency logical and convincing Criteria 6 Clear styles with excellent source of references. Clear referencing style


4/22/2019 11:52:34 PM

Example Marking Rubric for Assignment #: Total Marks 100 Note: The marking criteria varies for each assignment Marking Rubric Criteria/ Grades High Distinction (HD) [Excellent] >80% Criteria 1 Concise and specific to the project Criteria 2 Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically and sourced reference material appropriately Criteria 3 Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically and sourced reference material appropriately


4/22/2019 11:52:16 PM

Main sections Main body structures and contents quality including word limit. 40 Literature review Severe penalties apply for simple listing and describing. It should be a logically support analysis that reaches the review conclusion that should be included at the end of the section. Check word limit. 10 In body citation Strictly follow the order and instruction by IEEE. Check when/where to put the citation. See attached files and search the internet for guidelines 5 References section Check whether they follow the instruction. Otherwise, no marks will be provided 5 Presentation Presentation skills and materials quality 10 Total 100


4/22/2019 11:52:09 PM

Marking criteria: Example of marking criteria is shown in following table. Marks are allocated as follows: Note: The marking criteria varies for each assignment Section to be included in the report Detailed Description of the Criteria Marks Conforming to the template and format No marks will be given and severe penalties will apply for any breach of the format and template. Fonts, sizes, spacing, captions, headings etc. will also be checked thoroughly. Be thorough and follow fully when using the template and format instruction to avoid penalties. 10 Figures and tables created They should be created yourself and not copied from elsewhere. For full marks you should create at least 2 figures and 2 tables. 20


4/22/2019 11:51:52 PM

Weight 15% of Total Assessment Total Marks 100 Word limit See instructions Due Date 6:00 PM, Friday3 (Week 7) Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. • The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using APA or IEEE referencing style for School of Business and School of Information Technology and Engineering respectively.


4/22/2019 11:51:30 PM

Hii dear, Can you make this assignment with my expected cost. Please carefully read instructions and my student id ends with a even number so can you do topic 2 and common topic is same for both. And make presentation of 5-8 slides. Please take care of fonts.

Write a Review

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