Discuss security and technical drivers

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Reference no: EM132585333

1. Research Paper: Emerging Technologies

Emerging technologies and practices in next-generation data analytics include blockchain, digital strategy, and Artificial Intelligence. Choose one of these technologies and research on it. Your research should include:
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Methodology
4. How it works
5. Would you recommend the technology or practice? What factors guide your decision?
6. How does it relate to data visualization?
7. Conclusion
8. References
Use Times New Roman 12 font, double space. Not more than 10 pages long. Accurate facts and figures (lots of visualizations).

2. Emerging Threats &Countermeas

Annotated Bibliography - Depth
This assignment will be one of several throughout your PhD program that we use to help you prepare for the dissertation process. One of the core competencies necessary to succeed in a doctoral program is the ability to identify other research that pertains to your own. This means you'll have to identify similar research, read the papers, and assimilate prior work into your own research. An annotated bibliography helps you develop and hone these research skills.
This assignment is listed on the syllabus as "Mid-term research paper" and is worth 20% of your grade. Your paper will be an annotated bibliography, specifically focusing on the "Depth" topic (i.e. Defense in Depth) in the context of protecting National Infrastructure.
You paper must be in correct APA format, use correct grammar, and will need to include at least seven (7) resources, ALL of which must:
1) Be current. Published within the last few years.
2) Be peer-reviewed.
3) Relate directly to Defense in depth in the context of protecting National Infrastructure.
Remember that an annotation is not the same as an abstract. Abstracts are descriptive. Your annotations are to be evaluative and critical. Give me enough information for me to decide if I'm interested enough to read the paper, and also how you perceive the paper. Don't go skimpy on these annotations, but DO NOT write too much here. Quality is far more important that quantity. This exercise is for each of you to demonstrate that you can identify, categorize, and digest multiple research papers.
Every resource you choose must be peer reviewed. That means the paper must have undergone a formal peer review before being published in a journal or presented at a conference. You must ensure that your resources have undergone rigorous reviews. In most cases, you can find out the review process for a conference or journal by visiting the appropriate web site.

3. Access Control

In approximately 300 words, discuss security and technical drivers for having an access control policy and the key tenets of that policy. Follow APA standard.

4. Bus ContPlan&DisasRecov Plan

Instruction for the Course Project Assignment for the whole session is highlighted below in BOLD. Please read the instruction carefully.
The Course Project Assignment is an individual project draft proposal that students will develop incrementally to fully become the final paper at the end of the course. Students will add content every week when the Course Project Assignment for the week is due.
As a security manager or administrator of a fictitious company, write a Security Plan Proposal as a project draft document with the formats in the bullet points below. Please note that the project document is incremental, starting with the first Course Project Assignment for this week (week three) and ends in week 15. The Course Project Assignments (CPA) are aligned with the corresponding Chapters in your paper (as follows):
• Week three CPA is your Chapter One of the paper
• Week five CPA is your Chapter Two
• Week seven CPA is Chapter Three
• Week 10 CPA is Chapter Four
• Week 12 CPA is Chapter Five
• Week 14 CPA is Chapter Six
• Week 15 is for collating and reviewing the paper for thoroughness

The paper format should include the following:
• Running Head
• The first page will contain the title of the Plan Proposal, Name of the Student, Instructor's Name, Course Name, and Date
• Add a Table of Contents to outline your Chapters
• Include in-text citations and references in APA format

Course Assignment for this week (Chapter one of your paper):
Briefly provide an overview/description of your fictitious company.
Identify and discuss the importance of risk assessment to the organization's security framework? Discuss the five layers of risk.
Explore the school library to identify some useful peer-reviewed, scholarly accepted articles for this assignment. Ensure your citations and references adhere to the school recommended APA format.

5. Organ Leader & Decision Making


RR Communications Case StudyRead the RR Communications Case Study on pages 156-159 in the textbook. Answer Discussion Questions 1-3 at the end of the Case Study. Your responses must be complete, detailed and in APA format. See the sample assignment for expected format and length. The grading rubric is included below.


Nationstate Insurance Case Study
Read the Nationstate Case Study on pages 160-164 in the textbook. Answer Discussion Questions 1-2 at the end of the Case Study. Your responses must be complete, detailed and in APA format. See the sample assignment for expected format and length. The grading rubric is included below.

6. Initiating the Project

Stakeholder Identification Exercise
Instructions: Using the Project you selected for the Week 2 Business Case/Elevator Pitch Exercise complete the the Stakeholder Identification Exercise in the attached document. Fill in each of the quadrants for internal and external stakeholders impacted by the project progress and the project results. List as many stakeholders as you can identify but no more than ten (10) per quadrant. Also, copy and paste the Business Case/Elevator Pitch from Week 2 on the second page of this document.
Be specific with your stakeholder identifications. For example, if the project were the repurposing of a fast food restaurant to operate under emergency circumstances (i.e. 2020 Coronavirus pandemic) then you should not just list "Customers" as stakeholders. You would need to identify these more specifically as "Dine-In Customers", "Drive Through Customers", Walk-In Customers" and "Delivery Customers".

7. Business Intelligence

Complete the following assignment in one MS word document:
Chapter 6- Exercise 3 on page 384.
When submitting work, be sure to include an APA cover page and include at least two APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations) to support the work this week.

Attachment:- Emerging Threats.rar

Reference no: EM132585333

Questions Cloud

Find how much should be recorded on december : It was sold for $4,200 cash. Using this information, how much should be recorded on December 31 for the Gain or (Loss)? Round to whole dollars.
What would the general journal entries look like : The transaction has commercial substance. What would the General Journal entries look like (without explanation) required to record the events for December 31
Compute what total value assigned to new piece of equipment : Compute What total value assigned to new piece of equipment? The new piece of equipment is expected to have a 10 year life and a salvage value of $15,000.?
Large businesses with entrepreneurial orientation : Why are large businesses with an entrepreneurial orientation more likely to be innovative or intrapreneurial ?
Discuss security and technical drivers : Discuss security and technical drivers for having an access control policy and the key tenets of that policy. Follow APA standard
Compute the break-even ebit that will cause : Ignoring taxes, compute the EPS for each of the three plans. Which of the three plans has the highest EPS? Which has the lowest?
How to create partial statement of cash flows for somerset : How to create partial Statement of Cash Flows for Somerset Company. Prepare only the section related to Cash Flows from Operating Activities.
What is the current price of a common share : Can you give me a detailed answer for this with breakdown?
Protecting information-social media is protected : Describe how your information on social media is protected. Who is ultimately responsible to protect that information, the business or the consumer?


Write a Review

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