Discuss scope and nature of knowledge-and-information-system

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13858162 , Length: word count: 5000

This is about the SAHARA model for service composition across multiple providers


With reference to the case (the SAHARA Model), write a 2,000-word essay addressing the following questions:

1. The strategic role that information systems play in an organisation to attain competitive advantage is crucial to survive in a challenging business environment; however, it is the responsibility of management to ensure that the challenges faced are successfully overcome.

Critically discuss the challenges faced by SAHARA and management's responsibility in overcoming them.

2. SAHARA used utility-based resource allocation for demand-driven load sharing across provider resources. Critically discuss how utility based resource allocation operates in wireless networks and the reasons as to why it was successful within SAHARA's infrastructure.

3. "Technology‘s general impact on the world will most likely become more ubiquitous than ever before". Critically discuss this statement with reference to SAHARA.

4. Competitive advantage is the goal of strategic positioning. With reference to the SAHARA case, explain competitive advantage as a construct and discuss the scope and nature of ‘Knowledge-and-Information-Systems" enabled competitive strategy in a business space characterised by intense competition and dynamic consumer behaviour.

Reference no: EM13858162

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