Reference no: EM131547022
You only need the 2 slides on discuss research findings on expression of emotion in Japanese culture. There shoild be fives lines of text per slide. Each speaker note is about 125-175 words. peer reviewed article. apa format. 100% original work
Imagine a local company has contacted you regarding new employees from a different culture.
Choose a culture outside of those represented in your Learning Team. (Please note, "Asian" is not a culture for purposes of this assignment,
Chinese, Japanese, Vietmanese, and so on are specific cultures. "Native American" is not a culture, Cherokee, Sioux, and so on are specific cutlures. Chose a specific culture, not a very large culture group.)
Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint®, research-based presentation to help employees understand cultural differences in the expression of emotion, the differences in behaviors, and the differences in traditions. Include the following in your presentation:
Discuss research findings on expression of emotion in your chosen culture
Discuss research findings on behaviors in your chosen culture
Discuss research findings on traditions in your chosen culture
Include a minimum of three credible, peer-reviewed resources in your presentation.
Format the citations in your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
Remember that there should be about five lines of text per slide and about 125-150 words per speaker's note.