Reference no: EM131667298
How much should a company invest in IT? How does a company know if it under-invests or over-invests in IT? If you haven't heard of the "IT-productivity paradox," then it is the time for you to do some investigation! Let me introduce to you the following article. If you'd like, you can dig deeper into the original productivity paradox by reading some of articles in the reference list.
1. "The New Productivity Paradox" by Mark C. Anderson, Rajiv D. Banker, and Sury
Ravindran, Communications of the ACM, March 2003.
2. Harris, R. (2011, July 7). A shift to CFOs in calling tech shots. CIO.
3. Nash, K. (2011, January 1). 2011 State of the CIO: IT departments are fueling company growth through strategic technology investments. CIO.
Please write a 3 page article to answer the following question:
Discuss relationship between IT investment and productivity
Bring your own experiences to support your arguments. If you don't have any relevant experiences, ask your colleagues or those who handle IT planning your organization. Ask your CIO, CFO and CEO friends. You can also do some search on the Internet or Online Library to find some references.
Please cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of your paper.
The following items will be assessed in particular:
1. Your ability to review suggested website and provide your feedback on how it relates to your own work within the constraint of strategic planning for IT.