Reference no: EM131706380
Please classify and justify each of the following as primarily:
A. Historical Research,
B. Qualitative Research,
C. Descriptive Research,
D. Correlational Research,
E. Causal-comparative Research, or
F. Experimental Research,
1. Relationship between creativity and achievement.
2. Prediction of success in physics based on a physics aptitude test.
3. Effect of birth order on academic achievement.
4. Self-esteem of males versus females.
5. Attitudes of parents toward lowering the mandatory school attendance age from 17 to 14 years of age.
6. The ethnography of teacher-parent conferences?
7. Opinions of principals regarding decentralization of decision-making.
8. Effects of assertive discipline on the behavior of hyperactive children.
9. Relationship between time to run the 100-yard dash and high jumping performance.
10. Effectiveness of daily homework with respect to achievement in English.