Discuss pros and cons of reimbursement method that you chose

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Reference no: EM133505786

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"The complexity of financing in health care is one of the primary characteristics of medical care delivery in the United States" (Shi & Singh, 2012, p. 129). There are numerous reimbursement methods (e.g., capitation, fee-for-service, package pricing, etc.) that are used by health care organizations and providers to get paid for the health care services that they provide contains the following:

Question 1. Summarize 3 different reimbursement methods that are used by health care providers and organizations.

Question 2. Choose which method(s) will work best for the health care facility that you have proposed to be developed, and explain why you chose that method(s).

Question 3. Discuss the pros and cons of the reimbursement method(s) that you chose.

Question 4. Discuss the impact that the method(s) may have on the financial operations of the facility that you chose.

Reference no: EM133505786

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