Discuss project cost relative to project planning

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM133535832


Project Cost

1. Discuss project cost relative to project planning.

2. In which phase is the cost completed in the project life cycle?

3. Explain the Determine Budget process.

Project Cost Control Importance

1. Why is project cost control important?

2. Explain two ways to control costs using the advanced technologies studied in Unit 2.

3. Who creates the initial cost estimate and updates project costs as actual data is available?

Cost Analysis (Hint, GAO-20-195G, Cost Estimating and Assessment Guide: Best Practice by Developing and Managing Program Cost Resource)

1. Define cost analysis using a course resource.

Cost Estimates

1. Describe two types of cost estimates that can be used in the Marketing Mailing project.

2. Describe the four characteristics of a reliable cost estimate.

3. Explain the importance of cost estimates in project budgets.

Cost Systems

Management Cost and Control System (MCCS)

Define MCCS and the four phases in an operating cycle.

The Earned Value Measurement System (EVMS)

Define EVMS, and describe its importance.

Compare PMIS and ERP

Compare project management information systems (PMIS) and enterprise resource planning (ERP)

Cost Variance

Analyze the cost variance metric, and include the equation and what the acronyms stand for.

Software Program

Describe one project software program that could help a project manager control costs.

Reference no: EM133535832

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