Discuss potential justifications the police might offer

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Reference no: EM133527394


A lady named Martha was accused of shoplifting and entered a guilty plea in 2005. She was granted a conditional discharge, and in accordance with Quebec law, she was automatically granted a pardon after a certain amount of time had passed. Four years later, Martha submitted an application to work as a police officer in Montreal, but due to a prior charge, her application was turned down on the grounds that she did not adhere to the rigid hiring requirements of the Montreal police service, which required that applicants be of "good moral character." Martha complained that her rights had been violated in a human rights application. The misconduct itself, not the accusation, was what cast doubt on her moral character, the police retorted. Assuming that this factual circumstance had occurred in Ontario:

I. The alleged basis for the discrimination is?

II. Go over possible justifications for Martha's assertion. Discuss potential justifications the police might offer for their stance.

III. Do you think Martha's claim would be successful? Explain your response.

Reference no: EM133527394

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