Discuss possible explanations for this finding

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131209355

An experiment is conducted in three different countries. Participants are told their income levels (in units of the local currency), the tax rate, the probability of detection, and the fine structure. These parameters are the same for all participants. It is found that the amount of income not declared is, on average, different among the countries. Discuss possible explanations for this finding.

Reference no: EM131209355

Questions Cloud

Which equilibrium are stable : The remaining 80 percent are more likely to evade when the proportion evading increases. Prove that there will be at least one equilibrium level of tax evasion. Show how multiple equilibria can occur. Which equilibria are stable?
What is the expected return to a portfolio : What is diversification? - What is the expected return to a portfolio that is composed of a variety of financial assets?
Explain the meaning and importance of economic substance : Create a PowerPoint presentation for a seminar aimed at future business owners. Explain the meaning and importance of economic substance and how it relates to the financial statements.
Is the only equilibrium to have everyone evading : Tax evasion is sometimes described as ‘‘contagious,'' meaning that an increase in evasion encourages yet further evasion. In such circumstances, is the only equilibrium to have everyone evading?
Discuss possible explanations for this finding : It is found that the amount of income not declared is, on average, different among the countries. Discuss possible explanations for this finding.
Why will a consumer never make strategic choice : The Tiebout hypothesis has been likened to consumers ‘‘voting with their feet.'' In many voting situations the electors can gain by voting strategically. Why will a consumer never make a strategic choice of jurisdiction?
Summarize apple supplier responsibility information : Evaluate the influences of changing economic, political, social, cultural, and technological forces on business and society. Use technology and information resources to research issues in business and society.
Discusses content you would when presenting to executives : Include either a script in each slide's speaker's notes to each slide that discusses the content as you would when presenting in person to senior executives.
Why are investment bankers concerned about future changes : Explain why being able to forecast the direction of interest rate changes may be critical for your success in that position.


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