Discuss other lipid testing and diabetes related testing

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Reference no: EM133624117


Lifestyle and diet changes were recommended; however the patient did not follow-up for another visit for 10 years. At a graduate school health fair she discovered that her glucose was elevated. She schedules a physical and has fasting blood work with results as follows: Results Reference Range Total Cholesterol 295 mg/dL 140 - 200 mg/dL HDL-C 35 mg/dL 40 - 75 mg/dL LDL-C Calculate 50 - 130 mg/dL Triglycerides 200 mg/dL 60 - 150 mg/dL Glucose 140 75 - 100 mg/dL.

1. Calculate the patient's LDL and name the equation used.

2. Discuss other lipid testing and diabetes related testing that could be performed for this patient.

Reference no: EM133624117

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