Discuss optimization techniques specific to data warehousing

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13824859 , Length: 6-8

Write a six to eight page paper in which you:

1. Provide an executive overview that addresses the following:

a. Explain the benefits and current trends of data warehousing and data mining.

b. Provide two examples of quality companies successfully using a data warehouse to support your answer.

c. Outline the architecture, models, and views used in the data warehouse.

2. Discuss optimization techniques specific to data warehousing and data mining.

3. Assume that the company has accumulated 20TB of data and that 20% per year growth is expected in the size of the Data Warehouse. Recommend a solution for this scenario with respect to software, hardware, and network requirements.

4. Create a diagram using Visio, Microsoft Paint, or other graphical creation utility of your choosing to illustrate the conceptual data feeds into and out of the data warehouse. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.

5. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment.

Reference no: EM13824859

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