Reference no: EM131293372
1. In many organizations, being "people-centered" is considered soft, irrelevant, and unrelated to profitability. Using support from historical perspectives of organizational behavior along with your assigned article readings regarding conscious capitalism, explain how you would rebut these arguments. Use the conscious capitalism concept as a framework and consider at least two companies that have successfully adopted this business philosophy to gain success and combat traditional corporate approaches. How do these companies embody the tenet of "higher purpose" and create deeper meaning by focusing their goals beyond profits and inspiring their stakeholders?
2. Identify your particular areas of strength and discuss opportunities for your own development as a manager.
3. Discuss the role that emotional intelligence (EI) plays in the self-leadership. Be sure to provide an analysis of all four dimensions of EI (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management) in your response.
4. What are your major terminal and instrumental values? Which values, terminal or instrumental, are valid predictors of career success in the workplace? To what extent do you believe your personal values are aligned with the values of your organization?? What impact does this have on your sense of belongingness/fit with your organization
5. Assume that the opportunity arose for you to utilize the idiosyncratic deals (i-deals) in redesigning your job. What would you do to make your job inherently more motivating? How would you design the feedback and reward systems in the new job? Be sure to include comments on two content theories and two process theories and highlight the significance of each theory.
6. Goal setting research suggests that people should be given difficult goals. Provide an explanation that reconciles this research finding with expectancy theory. Use a practical example (preferably work related) to illustrate this.
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