Discuss one advantage a database has over a spreadsheet

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131353711

Discuss at least two reasons organizations use databases and DBMS's.

Discuss one advantage a database has over a spreadsheet.

Reference no: EM131353711

Questions Cloud

Explain the difference between crowding out and crowding in : Explain the difference between crowding out and crowding in. Given the current state of the economy, which effect would you expect to dominate today?
Show that given is the thermal efficiency : Given figure represents an imaginary ideal-gas cycle. Assuming constant heat capacities, show that the thermal efficiency is η = 1-γ(((V1/V2)-1)/((P3/P2)-1)).
Solution prepared from the dilution : What is the molarity of 2.00 L NaOH Solution prepared from the dilution of 50.00 mL of 19.1 M NaOH?
Grams of the excess reactant : If 62.8 g Ca react with 92.3 g HCl according to the reaction below, how many grams of hydrogen gas will be produced, and how many grams of the excess reactant will be left over?
Discuss one advantage a database has over a spreadsheet : Discuss at least two reasons organizations use databases and DBMS's.Discuss one advantage a database has over a spreadsheet.
Calculate the mass of water in the calorimeter : The final temperature of the water and aluminum mixture is 24.9 deg celsius. Calculate the mass of water in the calorimeter. The specific heat of water is 4.18 J/deg C.
How well does the model fit the data : Using trend (linear regression) analysis, predict the number of patients Dr. Fok will see in years 11 and 12 as a function of time. How well does the model fit the data
Distinguish prime borrowers from subprime borrowers : Explain why a mortgage-backed security becomes riskier when the values of the underlying houses decline. What, as a result, happens to the price of the mortgage-backed security?
How would you define neural plasticity : Brain Plasticity. Discovery Channel, 2007. Accessed August 8, 2016 at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2c-WHVxcfY 1. How would you define "neural plasticity"?


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