Discuss on their implementation of this strategy

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133433978


  1. What is a main benefit for selecting customer service as a logistics strategy?
  2. Are there any detractors to selecting customer service as a logistics strategy?
  3. What is one real world example of a logistics company that puts customer service as their primary strategy?
  4. Discuss on their implementation of this strategy.

Reference no: EM133433978

Questions Cloud

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Discuss ikea aggressive growth plan : Consider this, given IKEA's aggressive growth plan to double its sales by 2020 with the focus on emerging markets, especially China and Russia.
Discuss on their implementation of this strategy : What is a main benefit for selecting customer service as a logistics strategy? Are there any detractors to selecting customer service as a logistics strategy?
Is the business independent or is it a chain : Is the business independent or is it a chain? What is one advantage of this ownership structure? What is one disadvantage of the ownership structure?
What market segment did westjet originally compete in : What market segment did westjet originally compete in? What competitive priority did westjet originally have?
Integrating suppliers into new-product development process : Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of integrating suppliers into the new-product development process.
What is a recent supply chain innovation : What is a recent (within six months to a year) supply chain innovation?


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