Reference no: EM133302839
Women in Canada
Using an APA guide and your class text (Rebick), complete parts A and B and submit a hard copy of the test to me at the end of class. Please do not email your file to me.
Choose THREE of the following names or terms, and explain the importance of each reference to women in Canada. Be sure to cite (APA format) any text quotations or paraphrases in your responese from Rebick's text or class handouts. (Write three to four comprehensive sentences for each one.)
CHOOSE THREE from this list:
1. VOW
2. Deb Parent
3. Glass Ceiling
4. Status Quo
5. "bread and roses"
Answer ALL of the following questions using clear reasons and examples from Rebick's text, the class NFB documentaries, or class handouts.
Please note: DO NOT repeat information from Part A in Part B. (There are five questions. Be sure to cite direct quotes or paraphrases from Rebick's text using APA format.
1. Discuss how two major social or historical changes in the United States in the 1960's inspired Canadian feminist activism.
2. What was the vitally important role of transition houses for women in the 1970's? Be sure to provide enough detail in this response to indicate where they originated and list names of the trailblazers involved.
3. Why was the abortion caravan so successful in the way that they used media at the time?
4. What important influence and role did indigenous women have in creating social change?
5. Discuss the importance of the Murdoch Case for women in Canada in 1971.